Annika beamed from Jack's praise. It had always mattered a great deal to her that she made her father proud. [color=#663399]”Thank you, dad! I'm going to keep practicing.”[/color] Annika scampered from the room with her newly found shadow bow and arrow. For the next few days, Annika remained true to her word and practiced hard. Some days were successful and some weren't, but she didn't give up. Something had unlocked within Annika when she held the bow for the first time, and she continued to chase that feeling. It led to daydreaming which led to Annika faltering in her progress which led to her embarrassment when she was caught. However, one night, the daydreaming led to nightmares. Annika woke in a cold sweat, the remnants of a scream caught in her throat. The shadows in her room moved chaotically, looking for something to latch onto and soothe their discourse. Annika began to cry. She wrapped her arms around her legs and rocked back and forth in an effort to self soothe, but she was scared. Annika threw back the covers and stepped onto the floor. She dashed across her room, the soft floor absorbing the sound of her footfalls. The house shifted until she came across her father. Annika cried harder, and explained through the hiccuping what she had dreamed of. [hr] It felt like a different time with strange sounds and smells. Annika walked through a dark world, but it wasn't the one she was familiar with. And yet, Annika felt a kinship to the space. [I]Crash.[/I] Annika turned around quickly, feeling the hair on the back of her neck stand on end. [I]Run.[/I] The sudden need to move overtook her, but Annika hesitated. Within that second of hesitation, a woman screamed, followed by more crashing sounds and louder bangs. It was a sound Annika had never heard before. It was jarring and terrifying. Annika ran. The building became more defined as she ran. Solid, wooden walls were formed, shattered windows appeared, and stairs erupted in front of Annika's path. She moved to race up them but stopped short when she felt a sharp wind across her face. Annika turned her head to see a sharp weapon stuck in the wall. Her eyes widened as she stared at the instrument. Then she felt a burning sensation on her cheek. Annika turned, touched her cheek, and when she pulled her hand away, it came back bloody. An impassioned cry reached her ears and she turned to see a man running at her. [hr] [color=#663399]”I threw up my hands to fend him off, but then I woke up,”[/color] Annika explained. She was shaking as she retold the events to Jack. [color=#663399]”It felt familiar but it was so strange, dad… It felt like a different Annika, not me now… Does that make any sense?”[/color]