[center][img] https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241223/6d3cf653f42ca9edcd5266eec4e8c6a0.png[/img][/center] Auron’s eyes narrowed as the twin Frost Atronachs formed in front of them. It wasn’t the size of them that was the surprising part. It was the fact that they had formed into duplicates of Arnvidr, and Kiffar. Auron’s smirked. [color=gold]“A creative thesis, I’ll give her that.”[/color] Auron sprang into action. He ducked under the Atronach’s that looked like Arnvidr’s swing. Auron retaliated with a slash across its midsection, sending shards of ice flying. He muttered an incantation, sending a Lightning Bolt surging through the creature’s chest. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Brigit trying to make a run for it. [color=gold]“She’s running!”[/color] Auron called out. [color=gold]“Typical… Can someone stop her?!”[/color]