[center][h1][color=#DAEE01][b]Salvator Rasch[/b][/color][/h1][/center] [color=#DAEE01][b]"Noted. Taking it into consideration. Like to make a note that I'm perfectly capable of listening to what you have to say without shouting."[/b][/color] Was all Salvator said in response to King and Alice's concerns. The...whatever-the-fuck-King-was...was exhausting to deal with already. He would have been easier to reprimand without making valid points. [color=#DAEE01][b]"You heard them. Do what you can, but don't take any big risks."[/b][/color] He confirmed to Ilshar right before the latter started his probes. Alice's whisper had Salvator raising his shotgun, returning her whisper over comms in a low tone of his own. [color=#DAEE01][b]"Acknowledged. Squad, ready weapons. Don't open fire unless we're made and our new friend's confirmed hostile. Ilshar, Echo, status?"[/b][/color]