[center][color=steelblue][h2]ECHO DOMAIN - PLATFORM #2884[/h2][/color][/center] [color=steelblue]"Elaboration. Mult-Spectrum scan excluding active probing."[/color] The Echo platform intoned almost monotonously, oblivious towards any tones of exasperation or outrage. The various platforms that consisted of Echo continued slowly plodding forward regardless, as their formation continued to move, their respective eyes sweeping across the different angles of view as they advanced. It was perhaps unfortunate that they had assigned Echo for a task regarding the Etheric- while individual Unztalidge organisms may have been able to detect etherealism, it wasn't exactly a capability that the machine bodies it inhabited were capable of- outside of the more 'visible' examples of etherics like the ball of energy that had dodged in the last mission. The body caught on the Microform's scanner was quickly observed, information being recorded to its databanks for later processing. While the sight might of been nauseating or perhaps disturbing for some, the Microform observed it with mechanical indifference, merely reporting its presence to the squad. The moan that they heard was something considerably more tangible, Echo's various weapon systems raising even as Salvator made the call. Unfortunately, from its current position the Endoform wouldn't be able to point its weapon forward without flagging half the squad, instead the barrel of the weapon pointed up towards the hole in the ceiling, should threats come from above. The Endoform itself was ready to move forward should it need to begin soaking enemy fire, but would likely have difficulty tracking etheric targets anyway, so Echo would let those more capable in that regard focus on the main approach. The Microforms on the other hand were much more capable of getting their weapons on the door, though most of them focused on maintaining the squad's security and watched the flanks [color=steelblue]"Report. Echo status green. Maintaining security."[/color] The door itself didn't seem difficult to breach, though given the nature of their approach, something like breaching charges or the like may not be appropriate for their advance.