[hider=John Summers] [CENTER][h1][colour=orange][b]J O H N S U M M E R S[/b][/colour][/h1][hr][h3][sup][sup][colour=silver]W I N D ( A I R ) [colour=orange]◼[/colour] 2 1 S T J U N E ( 1 8 ) [colour=orange]◼[/colour] M A L E[/colour][/sup][/sup][/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ANjp2qh.jpeg[/img] [sub][colour=silver]"Sometimes you just have to hold on and ride it out."[/colour][/sub][/CENTER] [colour=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]A P P E A R A N C E:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/colour][indent][indent][i][colour=silver]Tall at an impressive 6'5", John Summers has often been accused of having his head in the clouds. With his broad shoulders and a life rooted in the farm country, he carries the rugged appeal of someone who’s spent his days covered in muck and sweat, and yet somehow manages to look good doing it. His sun-bleached, tousled blonde hair falls messily across his forehead, giving him a windswept look, as if he’s managed to dodge every hairbrush in sight. His deep green eyes, softened by an easy expression, make him approachable despite his blunt manner. His tanned skin, slightly weathered from long hours working under the sun, carries faint freckles, and his calloused hands reflect years of hard, honest labour. John’s movements are deliberate and purposeful, shaped by a lifetime of manual work in the fields.[/colour][/i][/indent][/indent] [colour=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]B I O G R A P H Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/colour][indent][indent][i][colour=silver]Born into a family of farmers in the rural countryside, John grew up with dirt under his nails and hard work from the moment he could walk. His mother, a rancher with a fierce heart and stronger arms than most men, taught him the value of resilience. His father, a simple man, believed in the value of straightforward truths and honest labour. Summers were spent in golden fields, hay-scented afternoons, and evenings lying on bales while staring up at the starlit night. Life was good: it was simple, predictable, and hard work felt rewarding. As the oldest sibling, he often had to look after his younger brothers and sisters, showing them the ropes. School was focused on the practicalities needed for farming. Maths centred on accounting, buying, and selling, while science was focused on agriculture and improving crop and product yields. Sport was mandatory, and several families competed actively in the local area. Rivals were made and broken on the playing fields, with general good competition and sportsmanship, though a few disputes were settled with a punch or two when things got rough. John’s sport had always been track, where he could give a solid sprint at a push, in moments when it felt like he was being carried by the wind. Tornadoes were an infrequent occurrence in these parts, and when warnings came, everything had to be locked down, and the family retreated into the storm shelter. It was in these moments of almost solitude that the family bonded through fear and card games, looking out for and caring for one another. This simple life came to a stop when a sudden and unexplainable gust knocked down a row of market stalls, scattering goods and people alike. These phenomena began to grow more frequent and stronger around John, as he started to feel what seemed like the raw power of a tornado surging within him, an untamed and wild force. It had started with dreams, vivid visions of being high above the world, the fury of the air around him, as if he were the storm itself: powerful and immovable, flying over the landscape. People began to talk, and when men in suits arrived in an expensive car to the local village and started asking questions, trouble followed. His family attempted to hide him, but someone had spoken, and he had to face the truth. He was identified as a ‘Primalist’ and was invited to the Merryweather Institute. They strongly warned that, unless he was taught to control this unknown power, he would end up hurting everyone around him. Faced with the difficult decision, he chose to go with the men to enrol, encouraged by his mother’s steady hand and his father’s quiet support. He would learn to harness this raging tornado inside of him, and one day, be able to return home.[/colour][/i][/indent][/indent] [colour=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/colour][indent][indent][i][colour=silver]John is simple and straightforward when it comes to his interactions. He can be blunt in his mannerisms, which stem from a background where people are simply honest with each other, with little duplicity involved, except when people attempt to save face. This bluntness is tempered by kindness rooted in empathy, as he grew up in a community where neighbours often helped each other out. He believes actions speak louder than words and often lets his deeds do the talking instead of relying on speech. He is practical and usually one of the first to roll up his sleeves and get things done, working well with his hands. John doesn’t waste time on false politeness or pleasantries, and he pays little attention to what is being said, being more committed to his values to guide him on topics. He can be a loyal and dependable friend to those he deems worthy of considering as such. He is not immune to the occasional reckless streak, and his horsing around in the fields has translated into him growing bolder and wilder with his newfound strength and primal powers. John can forget that others are not like him, overextending his natural endurance and strength in pursuit of his abilities, seeking greater heights. Though, he has learned quickly that even the strongest winds can’t hold you up forever. Since coming to the academy, he has unofficially adopted a pet cat which is frequently seen around the grounds of the dorm area.[/colour][/i][/indent][/indent] [colour=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]A B I L I T I E S / S K I L L S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/colour][indent][indent][i][colour=silver]John has hands-on practical experience as a farmhand, ranging from agriculture and animal husbandry to tasks such as riding horses. This also includes repair and maintenance of buildings and equipment. He is familiar with operating heavy machinery, such as tractors and forklifts. Years of physical labour have made him tough, with quick reflexes. When it comes to his primal powers, he has started to understand wind manipulation, from gentle breezes to strong gusts. He hopes to harness these wind powers for short bursts of flight or gliding through the air.[/colour][/i][/indent][/indent] [colour=orange][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3] C H A R A C T E R N O T E S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/colour][indent][indent][i][colour=silver]Open to friendships, rivalries, slow-burn relationships, or impromptu. He is most likely to connect with people who value honesty and loyalty. His bluntness could upset sensitive personalities and characters. His general, predictable routine can erupt spontaneously to liven up the atmosphere.[/colour][/i][/indent][/indent] [/hider]