[center][h1][color=lightblue]Galahad Caradoc[/color][/h1] [/center][hr] Galahad wasn't particularly happy about the situation, but somehow he wasn't surprised. The Grove had deprived the Kirins of their white mage for a reason after all. The trip to Costa Del Sol, and the cliff outside of it had been a calm trip, almost picturesque, though Galahad wasn't particularly in a mind to enjoy the scenery as they approached the shrine. A ritual later and the Lady of the Whorl appeared before them, and then promptly began attacking them. [color=lightblue]"Ah yes, of course the trial of water involves fighting a sea monster, how could I have thought otherwise?"[/color] Galahad cursed as he dove into cover along with the others. Galahad thought briefly back on the Grovemaster Isolde's words [i]'it has little to do with the presence of a healer. Tis merely that the intent behind the trial is already known by Neve, and it wouldn't be much of a test if one possesses the answer before it even begins.'[/i] Galahad scoffed, was Isolde was stringing them along and spouting utter bullshit, or there was something else beyond fighting the Leviathan? He didn't particularly have the time to figure it out- as it seemed Leviathan was dead set on making them fight her. He offered a nod in agreement to Izayoi, [color=lightblue]"I'm starting to come around to her way of diplomacy as well. Etrosdamned Grovemasters."[/color] It seemed they'd fight after all. Galahad drawing back from the cover he'd taken even as he watched Rudolf spring forward. The lad had the right idea of it, the only thing to do was to move forward. [color=lightblue]"Fine then, if the beast think we've come to challenge it, then we'll give it a fight for the ages!"[/color] Galahad barked, as he tore the covering from his halberd, brandishing the heavy weapon in his hands. Bracing his weapon against himself, Galahad took a few quick steps forward before he planted his feet and leaped off the ground, stone and earth cracking beneath him as he soared upwards. Leviathan, divine beast, sea serpent- in a way, serpents weren't [i]too[/i] different from dragons. Scales, long neck, breath attack, big. Theoretically, the methods of fighting Leviathan were perhaps at least similar in concept to slaying dragons- though Galahad doubted Leviathan was as simple minded as a dragon. A dragon, for its strength and impressiveness [i]was[/i] little more than a beast, an oversized, element breathing beast, but still a beast. A Eidolon was probably not quite as simple of a foe, it was able to speak to them, so it clearly held intelligence beyond a mere monster. The halberd spun in the air as Galahad reangled himself, almost braking in the air. Galahad took a breath, the materia on his gauntlet and weapon glowing as he placed a hand over the blade of his weapon, the large blade crackled to life as electricity coated it. Steel glinted in the light as the weapon raised well above his head. As he reached the apex of his jump, Galahad swung down with his halberd, using its momentum to guide him towards the head of the massive Leviathan. If he'd timed it right, his strike would land moments after Rudolf.