[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230205/f69dd2f75b7475275d406e055ff4e99c.png[/img] [color=537DAE][b]Mentions:[/b][/color][/center][hr] Arton was forced to bring up his shield as he made his dash for the closest cover he could find. He felt the weight of the ocean crash against the upper-right corner of the shield for just brief moment...and then it was gone. [color=537DAE]"Shit."[/color] He grit his teeth as the jet tore straight through that part of the shield, grazing his shoulder as it surged past him. Any lingering thoughts about tackling such an attack head-on quickly left his mind. He'd have to rely on his barrier Materia and the one he was borrowing from Rudolf to stand any chance of blocking Leviathan's strikes. This was perhaps the worst possible matchup for him. He cursed his lack of ability compared to the more versatile members of the party. What could he even do here? Amidst his companions, Arton didn't doubt he had the best chance of blocking at least a single attack from the massive creature and surviving the aftermath. He was already a man on his death bed so to speak. Nothing would change then if his assumption proved nothing more than a wistful dream to be of use. He had sensed the pride in the Eidolon's voice when it had addressed them. Its intelligence did make it more dangerous in a variety of ways, but it also gave him an idea. Arton charged out into the open, readied his materia just in case, and slammed his blade against his shield in defiance [color=537DAE]"LEVIATHAN! DO NOT DISAPPOINT US!"[/color] He bellowed out, feeling the tainted blood within him burn at the sight of this monstrosity. There was a slight pull in the back of his mind that came with his words. A faint whisper that compelled him to strike towards the Eidolon beyond a mere test of might.