[center][h3]CMDR SAGAN "VULTURE" KODOS[/h3][/center] [b]<< God damn it, Rabbit! >>[/b] Sagan snarled as the Sparrowhawk nearly entered his field of fire, quickly yanking back on the right stick to have the Watchdog yank its HPK up. [b]<< If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times: check your firing lines! I don't need your daddy on my ass because you walked into my bullets! >>[/b] He sighed, exhaling slowly as he sighted the retreating Fenrirs and the Roanoke's captain came through on the horn. [b]<< Sarret. Vulture. Good copy, moving to mop up. >>[/b] A brief glance down to the corner of his cockpit's HUD. Most of them were fine, except...oof. [b]<< Minimal damage across most of the squad so far, don't anticipate much more than reloads needed for anyone but Hex. Forwarding the readout, get the techs to get the repairs ready. We'll wrap up here before anyone on the bridge can get back from a piss break, over. >>[/b] With that said, Sagan sent a green acknowledgement light to Sabine's question, boosting the Watchdog forward to join her as he queued up squad comms. [b]<< 7th, finish up here and RTB when you can get a break from the engagement, we're moving to Phase 2 soon. Now don't get cocky. Get stupid trying to pad your kill score, and you're repainting any scratches yourself, y'all hear? >>[/b] With that said, he sighted up the Coalition ships still in firing range, getting tone before opening up with his entire battery of Espada missiles remaining. He'd been saving most of them for juicy targets like these, they were headed straight back to resupply anyway. Might as well make good use of all those taxpayer dollars, right?