Here's my shitpost of a submission. [hider=Back in my day, Cyrodiil actually maintained its forts] [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Verius Sanctian, formerly Saniren-Verak [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Male [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Akaviri (Vampire) [u][b]Appearance: [/b][/u] [url=]I can assure you I'm not dodging the question Of the Tsaesci's look[/url] [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Verius is a proverbial fish out of water from a very different era. He could ramble all day about much things have changed, and has particularly a lot to complain about regarding the state of the Blades compared to the old Dragonguard. However, he's nonetheless very dedicated to his duty as a Dragonguard and is overjoyed to be able to serve a Dragonborn Emperor once again. Just don't mention the Morag Tong or Dark Brotherhood to him- in his painted eyes, both of those organizations need to die a horrible, horrible death. [i]Long glory was wife to the all the knights of the dragon-banner, who knew no other and were brothers before beyond many seas and now were brothers under the law named the blade-surrender of Pale Pass. And having vampire blood these brother-knights lived for ages through and past Reman and then kept guard over his ward, the coiled king, Versidue-Shaie. The snake-captain Vershu became Renald became the protector of the northern west when the black dart was hooked into Savirien-Chorak.[/i] [b]-Remanada[/b] Brief Backstory: Saniren-Verak was born to an Akaviri family during the reign of Reman III, with both of his parents being members of the Dragonguard. He followed in his parents' footsteps and became a member of the Dragonguard himself. However, several years after joining the Dragonguard, Reman III was assassinated and the Dragonguard were reorganized by Versidue-Shaie. Saniren-Verak was among those chosen to continue serving the Potentate, and just as some of his colleagues did, believed that atonement for their failure to protect the Reman dynasty would require many lifetimes. It was during this time that just as Snake-Captain Vershu changed his name to Renald, Saniren-Verak changed his name to the pseudonym Verius Sanctian, drawing inspiration from the small amount of Imperial blood in his heritage. Shortly after Savirien-Chorak and his line was wiped out, Verius was targeted by assassins while in the Reach. Wounded and outnumbered, he fled into a Nordic ruin and hid inside a sarcophagus. Unfortunately, the coffin he chose was warded against undead to ensure its inhabitant remained dormant, and the wards reacted poorly to his vampire blood, and once he closed the lid, the wards trapped him and put Verius into a deep slumber. Even more unfortunately, the sarcophagus' original occupant was still in there with him. Contained by the sarcophagus' magic, he remained inside (along with the slumbering Draugr) until 4E 203, when one of the Forsworn now occupying the ruin pried the lid open looking for loot. Verius' first impulse was to head to the nearest river and wash the smell of Draugr out of him, and his second impulse was to take refuge in Sky Haven Temple. Unfortunately, the traditions and dress of the Dragonguard had changed slightly in the thousand or so years since, and he was immediately taken prisoner by the local Dragonguard garrison. During his involuntary stay at Sky Haven, Verius learned just how long he had been sleeping- another Dragonborn Emperor appeared, Renald and his remaining subordinates joined him and were renamed the Blades, all of the prophecies in Alduin's Wall had come to pass, Cyrodiil was once again ruled by ordinary mortals, the Thalmor now held a massive grudge against Tiber Septim and the Blades. For his part, he spent much of his internment complaining about how the Blades had forgotten the old Akaviri magics and about all the historical errors in the 2920 book series, having a minor existential crisis about the possibility that he spent 324 years serving the culprit who wiped out Reman's line and inflicted upon the Dragonguard their greatest shame, and ranting about how serving the Dragonborn should take priority over crusading against dragons. Fortunately, when the Dragonborn visited the temple, she was willing to give Verius a chance. [u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] Verius wears the gilded steel armor of the old Dragonguard, along with a sword and shield. In contrast to the more Akavir-styled armor and katanas of the Blades, the Dragonguard equipment of his time is much more Cyrodiilic in design. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u] [i]If you attack us, you will meet talons. If you strike us, you will eat spikes. If you injure us, our wounds will close. If you anger us, you will burn. If you run from us, we will pounce upon you.[/i] [b]-To Smite with Dragon Claws[/b] In addition to being a skilled swordsman, Verius is a disciple of the old Akaviri magical combat arts once practiced by the Dragonguard. His techniques emulate the power of dragon and manipulating fire, and include forming weapons of fire to strike foes, a fire breath that is admittedly a pale imitation of the Thu'um, and the ability to very briefly give himself elements of a dragon's physiology, be it protective scales or wings to leap great distances. [/hider]