[hider=Pilot Sheet]Pilot Sheet [List] [*][b]Name[/b]: Zane Korrin [*][b]Gender[/b]: Male [*][b]Appearance[/b]:[img]https://img1.getimg.ai/generated/9070fdb1-c1a7-49b1-84c4-4ea2da3d51ee/img-vuUx49KqdR2PFFBWxbIkX.jpeg[/img] [*][b]Pilot Type[/b]: Gifted pilot [b]Age[/b]: 20 [*][b]Background Potentials[/b]: Metal Mind and Synchronized Agility: Zane has always been better with machines than with people, even able to perform minor modifications or repairs without any training. However these skills really seemed to manifest when he got his own Framewerk. Zane was not only able to add a new function to his unit but despite being given a slow long range Framewerk is able to control it with more grace than it was designed for. Humanity's Potential: Zane has weird things happen around him his entire life. At first it was believed to be just coincidence but it happened often enough that combined with his family connections he was chosen for the program. [*][b]Perks[/b]: Memento: Zane wears a crystal around his neck that is capable of projecting a hologram of each of his family members of the past three generations Networking: The Korrin's are for the most part a military family. While no one is pressured into it it's expect that everyone will in some way involved with the armed forces whether it is behind the scenes or in the frontline [*][b]Personality[/b]: Zane has always been Agoraphobic and awkward around people but also determined to keep up the family tradition. He would have preferred to do it as a mechanic rather than a fighter, but he understands how important the program is and is fully willing to give the war his best effort. [*][b]Background[/b]: Growing up in a military family isn't easy for anyone but Zane's other issues certainly didn't help. His parents were supportive but he could always tell they were somewhat disappointed by him. As a result he has grown a desire to prove himself. [*][b]Notable Deaths or Missing People[/b]: Zane's uncle on his father's side. A mechanic that shared his nephew's love for machines. He died when the Cruxi destroyed the military base he worked at. [/List][/hider] [hider=Framewerk Sheet]Framewerk Sheet [List] [*][b]Framewerk Name[/b]: Goliath Buster [*][b]Appearance[/b]: [img]https://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/zukutank_6.png[/img] [*][b]Weight Class[/b]: Very Heavy. [*][b]Framewerk Type[/b]: Backliner +2 higher level weapon damage. Goliath Buster's lack of speed means it's hanging back behind it's allies so it comes with plenty of powerful ranged weaponry and even support functions in the form of its markers and repair drones [*][b]Primary Weapon Systems[/b]:Marker Light: An experimental laser rifle that operates in two modes: Combat Mode and Marker Mode. Combat Mode: fires damaging laser shots. These rounds are light neon blue in colour and effective against barriers and energy-based protection. Marker Mode: fires non-damaging rounds that leave radioactive markers on whatever it hits. Marked targets emanate a unique signal that Framewerks can track, improving accuracy of all attacks against the target and preventing cloaking and other forms of stealth for three turns. Drones and other autonomous weapons also receive a damage bonus against the target. Both rifle modes are effective at medium and short ranges. Heavy Assault Gun: A slow-firing, semi-automatic ballistic system notable for its reliability and effectiveness given its weight and caliber class. This weapon's main strength is its ability to deliver effective and accurate firepower at long range in conjunction with the Framewerk's advanced fire control systems. In the case close quarters combat where the weapon system is difficult to operate effectively, a secondary autocannon system of much smaller caliber and less specialized construction is fitted on a separate appendage underneath the main gun and which can be used for manually sighted shots. The autocannon subsystem is fed with an internal belt that alternates 1 armor-piercing shell per 5 high-explosive shells. Its limited service in more conventional, non-Framewerk weapon platforms has shown it to be an excellent tool against enemy infantry and other soft targets. The main weapon system features a variety of shells which can be used to engage most targets effectively. These shells are: A.) APFSDS-A - Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding Sabot - Adamantinite. These super-heavy shells are made from an ultra-dense Adamantinite alloy. Through sheer kinetic power and penetrative ability, a regular target hit by these shells, even by a glancing blow, is sure to stagger. If they are not destroyed by the first shot, then subsequent, swift discharges will most likely destroy the target before it is able to recover completely. B.) HEFRAG-TF - High-Explosive Fragmentation - Timed Fuse. These shells are the system's main weaponry against soft and/or multiple targets. These shells use a substantially smaller cartridge, resulting in a lower muzzle velocity and therefore slightly more complicated aiming. However, this has given the shell itself more space for its high-explosive and fragmentation payloads. Its configurable timed fuse allows it to be detonated precisely in the midst of the foe and in mid-air, allowing for the most effective culling of enemy hordes through a combination of high-explosive shock and fragmentation shards. This shell can, as a last resort, be used to combat enemy air-or spacecraft by using it like a traditional time-fused anti-aircraft shell, although its low muzzle velocity makes it unsuited to the task. C.) SMOKE - Smoke rounds. Self-explanatory. These are used to provide cover on the battlefield for the Framewerk and nearby allies comrades. However, they are limited to a total of four uses per event. The Heavy Assault Gun has a fire rate of 15 rounds per minute. Combined with the accompanying advanced fire control system, it allows for all of these shots to be effectively aimed against an unobscured but erratically moving target the size of a standard 10-ton freight hauler up to 30 kilometers away using APFSDS-A shells, and up to 8 kilometers away for HEFRAG-TF shells. The weapon system is also able to provide limited artillery support up to 60km away with its HEFRAG-TF shells, although it is primarily a short-to-medium-range direct-fire weapon and is not suited for this role. [*][b]Secondary Systems[/b]: Repair Drones, Tank Treads, Kattai Since Goliath Buster is unlikely to be the center of attention its creators decided to give it repair drones so it can help repair damaged allies, tank treads to better distribute its weight and even the ability to combine with other suitable Framewerks for extra power. Zane also modded Goliath Buster's torso to be able to rotate 180 independently from its treads. [/List][/hider]