[quote=@Goblininamech] [hider=Ved] Name: Ved 'Wreaking Ball' Gender: Male Appearance: 7'9 340 lbs of raw muscle [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/f8/b4/41/f8b441d69cf412d3c08445e7a294bf98.jpg[/img] Pilot Type: Skilled Age:30 Background Potentials: Indomitable Will: You're a bastion of fortitude, capable of withstanding even the most relentless and deadly of onslaughts, and keep standing. Once per event, you may resist damage or a status condition that would incapacitate your Framewerk or you outside of it. However, you are also reckless and foolhardy, and tend to question the authority of your superiors, even at risk of punishment. The Man can't keep you down all the time. Freight Train: You possess the ability to direct your will into your Framewerk, as if you were channeling your body's energy through it, allowing it to perform a devastating charge or leap. Twice per event, you may make a move or jump with a speed and range equal to three levels lower than your Weight Class. This move will damage targets caught in the path and knock medium-sized ones down or stagger larger ones. Can be aimed to shoulder tackle a single enemy, resulting in critical damage. You can also charge and jump with similar might outside your Framewerk, should you wish to do so. However, you are also bullheaded and stubborn, easy to anger and slow to placate unless given an outlet to vent your frustration, such as an arm wrestling contest or hitting the gym for some gains. Then you're happy as a clam, and laughing about it over a mug of beer. Perks: Athletic: You're a pinnacle of human physique, capable of running a marathon or wrestling a bear. You may even have competed in sports, earning gold medals. Your Framewerk piloting also gets some benefit, like increased speed of a lower weight class and stronger melee attacks of a heavier weight class. Signature Move: Wreaking Bomb-he jumps high into the air before coming down on a mech with all the wight of his plus the force of his thruster's. Proficient: CCQ. Personality: Ved is a simple man with simple wants, good food, good beer, good friends and a good fight. Despite his size and love of a good scrap Ved is actually quite a jovial man and you will rarely see him without a smile. He loves animals can be found helping out in shelters on some of his days off. He is quick with a smile and even quicker to offer aid. He can be a bit reckless and a lot stubborn but he'll always be the first one in and the last one out. Background: Ved had always been a big lad, even in school as at 8 he was almost as tall as his mum. This growth lead to him excelling at many forms of physicality like football, wrestling, boxing, shot put, and soo much more. This got the eye of the recruiters as when they visited his high school he blew through every test they had. It didn't take long before they convinced him and right after he graduated he joined the army. It wasn't until later that they found out about his talent with a Framewerk and after that the rest was history. [/hider] [hider=Reaver] Framewerk Sheet Framewerk Name: Reaver Appearance: Replace the legs with Tank treads. [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c3/c7/f6/c3c7f67d28bba66e2b170e7501ef5b4e.jpg[/img] Weight Class: Super heavy Framewerk Type: Frontliner Primary Weapon Systems: Ripper Fists: These weapons are high-powered claw-like weapons with studded knuckles capable of both punching at meteoric velocity when closed or ripping through heavy armor with when opened. Reinforced joints and strong actuators alongside the arms complement the highly aggressive weapons. Specialized pistons are built into the Framewerk's limbs that, when used, pressurize the joint area at the moment of activation before letting the potential energy out as a quick burst. As a result, the Framewerk is capable of short but very quick bursts of movement. These can be used for close-ranged strikes and kicks. The system can't be activated rapidly enough to use properly for regular movement, but can still be useful initiating movement or to enhance it if used properly. Your enemies must feel doomed when facing these tearing terrors. Slag Cannon: A shoulder-mounted weapon that fires superheated metal, for example tungsten, to melt through armor. The large amount of heat this generates limits the safe firing rate for the weapon to medium range, with close range risking damage. The weapon includes automated rapid loading and firing functions, allowing the first shot that hits a target to be immediately followed up with an additional shot with lesser power. Shredder Shotguns: These twin-linked weapons fire high impact flak blasts with either incendiary or armor-piercing shells which chew up targets at the cost of a slow rate of fire. The ultimate close-range ranged weapons. Secondary Systems: Shield Generator: An energy shield system that works by making multiple layers of energy distortion around the Framewerk. The shield is broken into four sections: Front, rear, left, and right. Each section has it's own small independent generator, allowing the shield to be partially maintained even if one section is powered down or offline. The shield itself is projected via emitters built along the hull of the Framewerk. Each section can be reinforced by diverting extra power form the other sections to a single section. The shield provides balanced defense between energy and projectiles along with environmental hazards while it is active. The shield can be overpowered by enough damage. The shield requires two turns to recharge before it can be reactivated after failing. The shield is more effective on turns when no weapon attacks are made due to reduced energy usage. Tank Treads: Your Framewerk's torso is situated on a sturdy base with grinding treads. This grants less speed and maneuverability when flying or in uneven terrain, but great speed and maneuverability on flat surfaces. You can also equip an additional Primary or Secondary System thanks to better load carrying capability. [/hider] [/quote] We got quite a bruiser with this one, and a solid Frontliner. Accepted, though I can't help but wonder if you meant to write "Wrecking Ball" instead of "Wreaking". Also, I'll assume you meant Close Quarters Combat with CCQ.