[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/231021/c8de3d4938a7934e3807d1d1d63ce88c.png[/img] [color=B2FFC4][b]Mentions:[/b][/color][/center][hr] Ciradyl's eyes widened as the titanic serpent slithered out of the depths. [color=B2FFC4]Ah, so that is how it is.[/color] What little remained of her childish image of the grand and wise Grovemasters withered away. She might have assisted this so-called Soriel with a change of leadership had she not already been engaged. A burst of wind to her side allowed her to quickly dash behind solid cover like the others had. Despite the deception, a part of her inner bard was beaming at the chance before them. This was Leviathan! The words needed to describe such an encounter would have to wait until she could properly record this battle in song. They would need to survive first in order to tell the tale. Once the coast was clear, Ciradyl emerged from her cover and immediately nocked an arrow. She let the ocean breeze embrace her and slowly swirl around the arrow as she took aim. The high-quality arrow wreathed in a vicious micro-storm wasted no time between release and piercing the thick scales of Leviathan. It might not have been the most impactful strike but it was one she could perform reliably given the monster's movements and position. She did so while constantly moving after every shot, not willing to remain still and offer an easier target. She would sit back and observe the initial moments before she made her next move. Ciradyl had experimented with the variety of powers her enchanted music could imbue to others during their downtime and could offer more specific kinds of buffs. Ciradyl had given priority of how those buffs were expressed to Izayoi and Galahad as their understanding of battle was greater than hers. She might have an incredible gift but it was not without its limits as the fight with Siren had made painfully aware to her. The right buff at the right moment could make all the difference.