Decided to go the duo pilot route; let me know if that's not ok. [hider=Sanro & Nero Marques] [b]Names:[/b] Sanro & Nero Marques [b]Gender:[/b] M [i](for both)[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [i](for both)[/i] [b]Apperance:[/b] [img][/img] Fundamentally, the Marqueses look the same. They are both the same height--just under six feet tall. They have roughly the same broad shouldered and athletic build--not bruisers, by any means, but perhaps sprinters or soccer players. Both have thick, blue-black hair that falls across their similarly colored eyes. Their defined jawlines, large hands, and short, upturned noses--all identical. ...Which is not to say that it's hard to tell the brothers apart. To begin with, they dress differently; where Nero tends to be meticulous about his uniform and his overall appearance, Sanro often neglects to brush his hair or make sure that his clothes are in presentable condition. Additionally, Nero's nearsightedness means that, while out of the cockpit, he chooses to wear reading glasses that double as an AR computer interface. Those details aside, the biggest differences between the two are in their bearings. Out of the cockpit, at least, Sanro bristles with nervous energy; he has a hard time sitting still, and is constantly tapping his foot, wriggling in his seat, or just moving around. Nero, by contrast, affects a calm and nonplussed demeanor; he's often standing at ease, hands clasped behind his back, looking straight ahead and seeming focused on the task at hand. [b]Type:[/b] + [u]Sanro:[/u] Skilled + [u]Nero:[/u] Gifted [b]Background Potential:[/b] + Twin Soul [u]Sanro[/u] + Synchronized Agility [u]Nero[/u] + Supporter + Awareness [b]Perks:[/b] + Memento [i](Necklaces; simple leather thongs, each with a third of a circle on them)[/i] [u]Sanro[/u] + Athletic + Networking [u]Nero[/u] + Book Smart (Framewerk Tactics) [b]Personality:[/b] At first brush, the brothers are a study in contrasts. Where Sanro is anxious and impatient, Nero is calm and collected. Sanro tends to be dismissive of higher-ranked officers, to the degree he can get away with it; Nero always makes sure to show respect and use the proper address. Sanro is always moving, doing one thing or another; Nero is often content to sit and read or study for long periods of time. However, the similarities run deeper than one might expect. For starters, once in the cockpit their demeanors seem to switch; Sanro becomes the collected, confident one, while Nero's mind goes off in a hundred directions at once. They both share a fundamental sense of responsibility, as well, that extends from the large--voluntarily enlisting to help defend mankind from the existential threat it faces--to the small--assisting their teammates in whatever way they can. While they both enjoy a good joke, they're also a bit on the serious side, and they can both get too wrapped up in their emotions when they feel like they--or worse, the other one--has been wronged. [b]Background:[/b] From the day they were born, everyone had high expectations for the Marques triplets. Their father was an accomplished government secretary; their mother had left her successful career as a soccer player to become a decorated military officer. The three young boys received the best education their parents could offer them, and were pushed into whatever extracurriculars they showed the least interest in, and to almost no one's surprise, they excelled in all endeavors. Though all three showed an aptitude for whatever they tried their hand at, they distinguished themselves from each other at an early age. Nero was the academically-focused one. Sanro was drawn to sports and martial arts. Icaro excelled at both, and further surpassed his brothers by having an effortless sociability that endeared him to classmates and teachers alike. It didn't take long for him to become the "leader" of the three, and if Sanro or Nero resented him for that, you wouldn't be able to tell by the way the three stuck by each other. They were just finished college when the true nature of the threat facing humanity was revealed, but all three brothers immediately followed in their mother's footsteps and enlisted in the armed forces. Icaro and Sanro were immediately tapped for the Framewerk corps, while Nero was pulled into R&D. Though separated for the first time in their lives, they sought to make the best of it. Icaro and Sanro worked well together, but casualties against the Cruxi were always high, and fate plays no favorites. A sortie gone wrong left the two of them as the only remaining forces standing against a Cruxi incursion. Sanro's machine was too damaged to stop his brother from launching him back towards their retreating forces, and Icaro made the fatal last stand that allowed his brother to fight another day. Just before his death, Icaro and Sanro had been chosen to pilot an experimental new Framewerk. Unwilling to reassign the duty, the brass instead pulled Nero out of the lab he was stationed in and reassigned him as his brother's co-pilot. [b]Notable Deaths:[/b] Their other brother, Icaro; died a few months ago in battle. [/hider] [hider=Framewerk Legionnaire] [b]Framewerk Name:[/b] Legionnaire [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] Remus forms an armor around Romulus; when combined, its cockpit sits behind and above the main cockpit of Romulus. The wing is formed of Legionnaire's attack drones, which are usually deployed; each attack drone looks like a needle shape that flies via passive antigravity and adjustment thrusters. [b]Weight Class:[/b] Medium [b]Framewerk Type:[/b] Specialist (+1 Size Weapon Damage) [b]Primary Weapons Systems[/b]: + Shining Fingers + Arklight Thunder + Heavy Assault Gun [b]Secondary Systems:[/b] + Air Recon Drones + Attack Drones (x2) [hider=Romulus] [b]Framewerk Name:[/b] Romulus [b]Appearance:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Weight Class:[/b] Light [b]Framewerk Type:[/b] Frontliner (-2 Size Speed) [b]Primary Weapon Systems:[/b] + Shining Fingers + Arklight Thunder [b]Secondary Systems:[/b] + Kattai + Attack Drones [/hider] [hider=Remus] [b]Framewerk Name:[/b] Remus [b]Appearance:[/b] Framewerk Mode [img][/img] Mobility Mode: [img][/img] In Mobility mode, the integrated attack drones function as mounted, and the Heavy Assault Gun is mounted dorsally. [b]Weight Class:[/b] Light (-1 Size Speed) [b]Framewerk Type:[/b] Specialist [b]Primary Weapon Systems:[/b] + Heavy Assault Gun [b]Secondary Systems:[/b] + Kattai + Attack Drones + Air Recon Drones + Henshin [i](Can change to jet/mobility mode)[/i] [/hider] [/hider]