[hr][CENTER][h1][u]Elliot Braide //[/u][color=007236][u] ROOK[/u][/color][/h1] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Bsn2Y7i.png[/img][H1][i]Ensign[/i][/h1][/center][hr] Elliot was awestruck, quite frankly. The battle felt like it was already over when it also felt like it had just begun. They’d tried to impart pacing and realistic expectations at the academy but nothing really scratched the surface of how fast the real deal was. It felt like mere moments prior Elliot had been on a hard burn out of the Roanoke and now they were on mop up and RTB orders. Perhaps that was more to do with the effectiveness of the 7th than it did with the realities of battle, perhaps it was both. Elliot was awestruck because his squadmates had systematically decimated the opposing forces as if going for a Sunday walk. Sabbine and Kodos had both been exemplary examples of precision, tactics, and everything that Elliot had ever looked up to in a pilot. That of course had tracked with what he’d heard in academy, the exploits of the pilots of the 7th hadn’t been unnoticed by aspiring MAS pilots. Each of his squadmates had padded their killcounts with more than a couple kills each and made it look effortless in the process. Hex had not only neutered the Fafnir’s deadliest weapon but had numerous kills confirmed KIAs to herself alone. And then there was Von Brandt and Kilmer. Rhino, who was likely piloting the scariest thing on the battlefield showed no hesitation in soaking up the Fafnir’s attention to keep it away from his other squadmates; and Kilmer, who’s high octane movements had reduced the remaining Fenrirs assailing the two of them to slag and ensured the funnel drones from the Fafnir wouldn’t have any chance of harrying the two of them. Elliot was awestruck, and completely out of his depth. Any icy feeling had settled onto the back of his neck, a chill running down his spine. Elliot rushed to suppress the thoughts, clearly he was outpaced by his squad, for a multitude of reasons that were out of his control. Regardless he couldn’t help but feel a growing depth to the divide that ran between himself and those who he was supposed to support. If he was going to stand with his squad things would have to change rapidly, this much was becoming clear to Elliot. A divide stood between him and them but he refused to believe it was insurmountable, he would drive himself to the very end before giving into the sense of doubt that had threatened to creep in. Thoughts of shame whispered in the back of his mind but Elliot refused to give them credence. [color=007236][b]"Rook moving to support, thanks for the cover, Commie. Let's help mop up the big guy and RTB, I owe you a drink."[/b][/color] With a sense of surety in his actions Elliot pivoted his MAS and burned towards Rhino as he moved into a more suitable position to provide firing support the moment a chance presented itself. The Venerator stowed its Maul as it approached, opting for the DEW-11 while the Jackknife MMS moved into a standby position and began marking the Fafnir’s softest points. Elliot wasn’t sure of his combat effectiveness against a beast like that but knowing Rhino’s own beast was present meant that he’d at the very least pose as a nuisance if necessary to enable Rhino’s follow up, if needed.