[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/clIHoiY.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/3wGoS7n.png[/img][/center] [color=lightgray] [color=DDB775]Time:[/color] 11am [color=a187be]Location:[/color] Edin Theater [color=DDB775]Mention:[/color] [@Helo] Callum [@Silverpaw] Wulfric [@JJ Doe] Morrigan[/color] [hr][color=lightgray] The herald's voice reverberated through the hall, commanding silence as he cleared his throat and belted, [color=gold]"Presenting their Majesties, King Edin and Queen Alibeth Danrose of Caesonia!"[/color] The double doors swung open with dramatic slowness as heads turned. Many had wondered if the king and queen would attend, however not many believed they would. It was not often they made a showing, especially King Edin. King Edin strode forward, his golden crown glinting intensely as always under the chandeliers. His embroidered cloak, edged in shimmering gold, swept the polished floor behind him. Queen Alibeth followed with graceful poise as her amber eyes flicked over the crowd. Behind them marched an impressive amount of guards, spears upright as their loud steps moved in sync. The rhythmic clink of their boots resonated like a heartbeat in the hall. More guards stood at every exit, their eyes scanning the room constantly. At the entrance, attendees were now facing much more scrutiny. Guards conducted thorough pat-downs, inspecting every cloak, purse, and pocket for concealed weapons. Even nobles were not spared from the procedure; the message was clear—no one would bypass security tonight. The royal couple climbed the stairs to the viewing box. Heavy crimson velvet draped its edges, embroidered with golden filigree. The box was positioned high above the room, offering an unobstructed view of the stage while keeping the royal family far from potential danger. Stationed guards flanked every corner, their hands resting on the hilts of their swords. Edin sank heavily into his seat, his crown tilting slightly as he leaned back, fingers drumming impatiently against the armrest. Barely settled, he waved over a staff member with an urgency that seemed misplaced for the occasion. He muttered something low and intense, sending the servant scurrying away, before slouching further into his chair. Alibeth took her seat beside him. She adjusted the folds of her gown, her sharp amber eyes flicking toward the three empty chairs beside them. [color=a187be]“Plenty of room here for Wulfric, Callum, and Morrigan,”[/color] she remarked coolly. [color=a187be]“Though I suppose Callum’s absence should hardly surprise us.”[/color] It was then the staff member returned, balancing a tray with a golden bowl of freshly popped corn with a heavy aroma of much too butter. Edin snatched it eagerly, his fingers immediately plunging into the bowl. He shoveled a handful into his mouth, chewing loudly and unapologetically as the hushed murmurs of the crowd below floated up toward the royal box. Edin made no response to his wife's comments, his focus entirely on his popcorn. The steady crunching grated on her nerves, but she kept her composure, though her grip tightened on the arms of her chair. Her gaze lingered on him, searching for some semblance of acknowledgment. With a sigh, she leaned forward and picked up the performance pamphlet laid neatly beside her. [color=a187be]“Anastasia is listed last on page one,”[/color] she said, flipping through the pages, [color=a187be] “I do hope she’s prepared. It would be... unfortunate if she planned to embarrass us.”[/color] Still, no answer came. She cast him a sidelong glance, her expression hardening as his hand dived into the bowl again. The butter on his fingers glistened in the light, and he seemed entirely absorbed in the snack, pausing only to mutter under his breath about the need for salt. Finally, with an audible crunch, he swallowed and leaned back in his seat. His eyes drifted lazily toward Alibeth. [color=DDB775]“Anastasia’s performing?”[/color] he asked, feigning surprise, [color=DDB775] “Well, that’ll certainly be... something.”[/color] Alibeth’s gaze sharpened, but before she could speak Prince Auguste arrived. Her expression softened as their son greeted them respectfully and sat down, and she took his hand affectionately. Edin merely shrugged, tossing another handful of popcorn into his mouth. [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/65cBsSs.png[/img][/center][/color]