[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/20Q9FLv.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241207/12cf164eb0204fbd7bfe1f9acec90dc5.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Jail[/sub][/cell][/row][/table][color=98A869]"Ha!"[/color] Zeph burst into laughter at the prisoner’s suggestion of dropping a key, the sound bouncing off cold stone walls. [color=98A869]"How dumb do you think I am?"[/color] he grinned, his tone laced with mock offense. [color=98A869]"C'mon, I’m not as daft as I look. You wound me!"[/color] he said, putting a hand theatrically over his chest as if the idea had actually hurt. Shifting his position, he pushed himself upright, the humor beginning to fade from his expression as Gadez’s words started to sink in. [color=98A869]“Let’s backtrack.”[/color] he said, hazel eyes narrowing as he tried to piece together the odd and cryptic bits of the prisoner's monologue. [color=98A869]"You mentioned a dark-haired boy earlier—the 'wolf.' Are you saying this boy is the one who attacked the Princess?"[/color] he asked, a brow arched in curiosity. [color=98A869]"What’s his connection to you? Why would he come after you?"[/color] He paused, the pieces not quite fitting together. [color=98A869]"And what’s his interest in the Princess? You know where she is?"[/color] The playful tone from before was gone, replaced by a genuine interest in answers. Still, Zeph wasn’t naive enough to expect a straightforward reply. Riddles seemed to be Gadez’s preferred language. Before Gadez could answer, something else clicked in Zeph’s mind. [color=98A869]“Wait…”[/color] His expression shifted, brows furrowing as he recalled another detail. [color=98A869]“Younger brother?”[/color] he echoed, his gaze locking onto Gadez, who lounged smugly on the pathetic excuse for a bed. [color=98A869]“You talkin’ ‘bout the Prince?”[/color] His tone carried a sharp edge of skepticism, though he couldn’t help himself as a wry smirk curled onto his lips. [color=98A869]“You another one of Auric’s so-called bastards, then?”[/color] he asked, the amusement creeping back into his voice. [color=98A869]“Ah… Aren’t we all?”[/color] [hr] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Gadez [@Dezuel][/sub]