[hider=Rose] [list] [*]Name: She who ascended towards the heavens with grace and violence AKA Rose [*]Gender: F [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/BDvaxtJ.jpeg[/img][/center] [*]Pilot Type: Experienced Pilot [*]Age: 47 [*]Background Potentials: Alien (Rosnian Heavyworlder) [list] [*] Third eye: Its ability to look in a different direction from the main pair increases ability to spot targets. While piloting, it is often overlayed with an IR camera-feed to give her sight beyond the visual simultaneously with traditional binocular vision. [*] Heavyworlder: Genetically engineered to operate on worlds with heavier gravity than their low-g homeworld, these Rosnians have human strength and durability compressed down into half the height, allowing them to hit fast and hard while also taking a beating. They are bad at long distance running and reaching countertops however. [/list] [*]Perks: Networking: Rosnians are a species much reduced in number after the loss of their homeworld and core space, and so those that are still around tend to stick together. Notably many of her kind have managed to get themselves into her support crew, including her 2 surviving children (despite her attempts to keep them away from the war). Creative: A lifetime of piloting leaves you with lots of little preferences on how things should work, and two engineer kids result in picking up just enough know-how to make those tweeks without them finding out you’ve made them. [*]Personality: In combat Rose leans into her species tendency to (vocally) come off as energetically excited at all times to humans in an attempt to keep morale up. Things might be going to be going to shit, but if this insane sounding little alien is still raring to go, maybe there’s still a chance. In actuality, war and loss have ground her down just as it has anyone, and she no longer has the fire she had when it began. There is no rage against the enemy, no love for the feeling of commanding a blazing fast and powerful machine from her youth as a race pilot. There is only the mission, and trying to make sure as many people get out of it alive as possible. Off of the battlefield, she still has the theaters of her remaining family holding her up, as well as the pride her kin have for her, though that is a bit of a mixed blessing. She does her best to help ‘raise’ the less experienced pilots, and the hole in her heart grows only ever larger with each one who falls. Yet she gets attached anyway. Despite having lost her own drive for it, she enjoys keeping up with what little racing is still done during the war, even if it is often virtual. Has gained a recent appreciation for speedrunning games as a result. [*]Background: Born on Sapphire Shores, a water world and one of the Rosnian colonies founded adjacent to their homeworld, Rose became first a racer of sail ships, then planes, and finally spaceships. She toured the worlds, found love, settled back down on Sapphire Shores, giving birth to and raising 5 darling children. Then war came. Rose rose once more, so did her family, and her whole people, but it was not enough. Rose was one of the few pilots to survive the fight to punch a hole through the invaders forces so that an evacuation fleet could escape their doomed world. Her love, and three of their children, did not escape. Once the exodus fleet had reached safe harbor, Rose turned right back around and threw herself back into the war with a vengeance, but not, like some who had lost everything, with a death wish. She still had two children to protect, and one to find, and so she lived to fight on another day again and again till someone took notice, and decided she’d make for a perfect framewerk pilot. As a rare representative of her kind among those legendary ranks, she’s become something of a hero for her species, proof that even in their diminished state, they still matter. That the war still matters. An important thing indeed, given the growing threat of a Rosnian exodus movement. [*]Notable Deaths or Missing People: Her mate and 2 of their children were killed during the failed defence of their home. A third child (an infant at the time) went missing during the invasion, along with Rose’s own parents who were looking after her. [*]Additional information: [hider=Rosnians] [list] [*] Biology: While universally hairless and sporting grey skin, an enlarged cranium, and a large third eye, Rosnians come in a variety of shapes and sizes as a result of genetic tampering. Their standard form is known as the homeworld variant, who are tall, slender, dexterous but rather fragile. However Humans are much more likely to meet the heavyworld form that was genetically engineered to operate in higher gravity (such as Earth), which sport large ears, a squat durable frame (roughly about half human height). While there is a great degree of mysticism surrounding the alien’s third eye in their culture, its main evolutionary advantage was to make species on its world better at looking up and spotting threats that took advantage of their world’s low gravity, as it is capable of moving independently from the two main eyes, and has better vertical vision. A lot of Rosnian emotion is expressed via the ears (ears up alert/excited, ears down sad, etc.) and the central eye’s state in relation to the rest of the eyes (closed = relaxed/trusting, staring into space = bored, searching the sky = nervous, all eyes focused on someone = seeing them as a threat) which can make reading humans difficult for them. In the reverse, Rosnians express little emotion vocally due to how blatant (to them) their body language is. Rather than sounding monotone, however, they tend to sound energized and excited in almost all situations, which can come off as unnerving when the tone is dissident to the circumstance/words. Some compensate by adding tone indicators to their sentences “We do it like this! /polite exasperation” although this can lead to its own problems when being too honest. [*] History: Assumed to be the source of at least some UFO abduction stories due to the actions of their former government, Rosnians are a species from a low gravity world who managed to get their start in space travel going a lot faster than humanity thanks to the more optimal thrust to fuel ratios their smaller homeworld provided. As did the presence of several asteroid moons, where with the equivalent of early 21st century human technology they began mining operations. This is where their species was also first united, specifically under the threat of weaponized ore delivery, under the rule of a privately owned corporation known as Sky Eye Initiative. Attempts were made to resist, but the corporation’s prior domination of satellite deployment allowed near complete control of low orbit space. War, considered bad for business, came to an end, and an age of prosperity began, only for it to slowly fade once more as more and more of the world’s wealth was captured by fewer and fewer Rosnians. During this time, extra solar probes were sent out, one of which discovered ww1 era earth. Sensing an opportunity to distract the masses, the Sky Eye Initiative began fear mongering about this war-like species, presenting them as a threat to Rosnian peace. Scout ships were sent out to research earth and gather more data. Humans were abducted and heavily biased and doctored experiments were performed to ‘prove’ they were remorseless monsters. Preparation for war was used to justify worsening conditions for the masses, a war that was always just on the horizon but never came because the preparations made were entirely fluff and no substance. This strategy worked perfectly until humanity almost destroyed itself. The population became split between those who wished to now strike at the weakened enemy, and those who had lost all appetite for war when shown what it had done to humanity. Tensions built, until extremists from the former group attempted to seize the weapon stockpiles prepared for the invasion, and found them to be entirely suitable for such a thing, the invasion fleet stalling out far before it could reach earth. Chaos broke out as the world united against the Sky Eye Initiative in a way it had failed to do when they seized power, and, in turn, unleashed hell upon Rosnian kind. In the end, the initiative was destroyed by an alliance of anti-war dissenters in the ranks and the return of the pro-war with humanity faction, but by then it was too late. They had been ravaged by orbital bombardment, and the orbit itself rendered unusable by kepler syndrome. By the time they’d started to get things in order, humanity had arrived on their doorstep, and the two war weary species united in the name of peace with surprising ease. Then war came for them both, and the Rosnian homeworld was right in the path of the invasion. Contact has been lost, and though some hope that their home might still be holding out, most assume it has fallen. There is still hope for some of the surrounding colonies however, resulting in the aliens either fleeing to preserve their species, or throwing themselves into the fight with great vigor. [/list] [/hider] [/list] [/hider] [hider=Senko-San] [list] [*]Framewerk Name: Senko-San [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/mSeodDH.png[/img][/center] [*]Weight Class: very light [*]Framewerk Type: Specialist +1 speed [*]Primary Weapon Systems: [list] [*]Marker Light (shot from the central ‘eye’ of the tripod): An experimental laser rifle that operates in two modes: Combat Mode and Marker Mode. Combat Mode: fires damaging laser shots. These rounds are light neon blue in colour and effective against barriers and energy-based protection. Marker Mode: fires non-damaging rounds that leave radioactive markers on whatever it hits. Marked targets emanate a unique signal that Framewerks can track, improving accuracy of all attacks against the target and preventing cloaking and other forms of stealth for three turns. Drones and other autonomous weapons also receive a damage bonus against the target. Both rifle modes are effective at medium and short ranges. [*]Shining Fingers (each tentacle counts as a ‘finger’): The weapon generates energy from the Framewerk's hands, allowing it to be fired as beams or wielded as a melee weapon, or even used defensively to repel attacks with parrying motions. The weapon has both high destructive potential and versatility. However, prolonged use of the system puts mental strain on the pilot. [*]Particle Cannon (created by weaving all 6 tendrils together to form the barrel of the cannon): A weapon with a trio of edged prongs circling the barrel. The weapon accelerates a payload of Tau particles while charging up to one million volts of energy along the prongs before the entire blast is released in a high-impact bolt. The weapon has great yield with adept stopping power. It's downsides include being slow to fire and difficulty with piercing through armor when uncharged. When given enough time to charge the cannon to after one or more turns, however, the shot is guaranteed to put at least a smoldering crater in most physical armor. In the event of a close-range hazard, the weapon's prongs are reinforced to act as an emergency melee weapon. Prolonged use is ill-advised, as damage may dramatically hamper the weapon's stability and risk further damage if fired. [/list] [*]Secondary Systems: [list] [*]Spider Legs: Your Framewerk is shaped like an arachnid, with multiple legs supporting a central body. You have less armor comparable to a single lower level of weight class. However, you have a bonus to accuracy for ranged weapons, better agility on uneven terrain, and access to an additional Primary Weapons System. You can jump up and extend your legs to initiate a hover mode. In hover mode, you can float in place and attack with the same accuracy as standing still while able to move at half speed. [*]Multiple Fire Control System: A suite of comprehensive software and hardware, and sensor arrays. Able to acquire targets using RADAR, LADAR, Infrared and traditional optical target acquisition. The Framewerk is able to freely and easily distribute power from its energy cells to the first three detection modes, allowing for great flexibility on the battlefield. If necessary, the modular nature of the system makes it possible to install active/passive sonar for marine warfare in less than five hours in a standard Framewerk berth. The system also sports highly advanced target tracking and firing solution computation abilities owing to a specialized logic core that runs synchronous to the Framewerk's' own computer chipset. In proper conditions, only few types of enemies may outgun the Framewerk within medium range owing to the constant effective firepower provided by the system. In addition, the system may compile esoteric data on-the-fly into the standard communication packet format for transmission to any applicable friendly networks for their use and perusal in real-time. When activated, the user may make a weapon attack against as many targets in a single action as they can reach in medium range. [*]Stargazer (mounted in the large back pod): an experimental propulsion and defense system that uses extremely powerful magnets harvested from super-dense star systems. The system was originally designed for deep space exploration where fuel sources are scarce or non-existent. By aligning the magnets with bodies with greater mass like stars in the direction that the Framewerk is set to travel in, the Stargazer is then able to push and pull the Frame in that direction simultaneously. Similarly, the system is capable of pushing projectiles off of their course and away from the Frame or other targets, keeping them safe. Given enough time, the pilot can redirect attacks to specified directions to avoid redirecting the attack into an ally or even force the projectile to strike an enemy target. When used for space travel, it doubles the Frame's forward speed. [/list] [/list] [/hider]