[hider=One Thousand Meter Killer] [center][h1][color=662d91]Izra[/color][/h1] [i]"Bang."[/i] [/center] [table] [row] [hr] [/row][row] [cell] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/IYjLkrT.jpeg[/img] [/center] [center] ___________________________________[/center] P R O F I L E [indent] [sub]Age[/sub] [indent][sub]30.[/sub][/indent] [sub]Sex[/sub] [indent][sub]Female[/sub][/indent] [sub]Height[/sub] [indent][sub]5'7 feet[/sub][/indent] [sub]Weight[/sub] [indent][sub]140 pounds.[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [indent] [sub]Race[/sub] [indent][sub]Mutant[/sub][/indent] [sub]Origin[/sub] [indent][sub]Assassin[/sub][/indent] [sub]Transportation[/sub] [indent][sub]N/A[/sub][/indent] [sub]Starting Location[/sub] [indent][sub]Havenwood[/sub][/indent] [sub]Color Code[/sub] [indent][sub][color=662d91]662d91[/color][/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] I N V E N T O R Y [indent][sub] + Dream Catcher Net + Beware, The Stranger Book + Silver infused hatchet [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] E Q U I P M E N T [indent][sub] + Silenced Ulf Arms Sniper Rifle + Mountain Ground Range Bow + Armoured Trench Coat + Range Finder + Long Range Canteen + Throwing Knives [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] A T T R I B U T E S [indent] [sub] Strength: - 1 Fitness: - 1 Dexterity: - 2 Perception: - 4 (6 with OTMK) Intellect: - 2 Endurance: - 2 [/sub] [/indent] [/cell][cell] ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION [indent][sub] Cold, cool and calculated. The sun kissed mutant is dressed to her best, an armored trench coat and trusty rifle. Everything you would expect from an assassin on this side of the scorched earth. Coming in at 5'8 feet tall and a unknown healthy weight Izra is a woman of a modestly athletic build with clothes a mercenary would wear. She has to fit in with them regulars too right? Black boots, camo pants and something under neath that trench coat of hers to wrap it all together nicely. Dark hair, dark eyes the obvious tell is she's from the Mountain was from the Mountain. Ya’íí isn't a word she's heard in a while, but this chameleon plays her part. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKSTORY [indent][sub] See the killer? Most don't, just a dulled barrel and hair trigger is all it takes for lead to meet dome in this haunting, lethal wasteland. Beauty and passion don't mix well, especially in today's climate, but subterfuge and the dark arts do. Meet Izra, hailing from the Ya’íí as the old men on the Mountain call it. All accounts describe her as 'normal' a girl growing up in a tribal society of a bygone age but one that is still respected despite the Republic's aggression and hate towards her people she persisted. One thing stood out from the young woman more than anything else, her blood is black. Those veins? Dark like the shadows that her ancestors crawled, prowled and hunted in during more turbulent times. This killer wouldn't last in the Mountain's society, one rigid with tradition and superstition the presence of a woman with black veins. Toxic and potent was a bad omen, so she was outcasted. Rumors are the exile was ceremonial, she could come and go as she pleased acting as the right hand for the Old Men of the Mountain others say it was permanent to prevent the collapse of the Ya’íí. So she traveled, having been trained as a Brave most of her life Izra found her calling in martial arts. Hire contracts, being a blade or a gun mattered to many, and to Izra so did the coin. Landing in Havenwood among her other mutants the Exile established herself in a small alcove, a bounty hunter and killer for hire the mutant found work from all factions. Her impartiality to her contract, keeping her word, and getting the job done made her very lucrative even if the world shunned her for something she couldn't control. There was a sense of purpose, beyond a kill-of-be-killed mentality. With her agency and renown growing Izra felt a call towards the Republic, a hereditary sense of revenge. Opportunity or something more, she couldn't place it. At least, not yet. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALITY [indent][sub] Cold, Serious, Logical. Words like this sum up Izra, it's hard to smile and laugh when the world is against you even on your best days. Humor does break through the cracks of the tanned scope-seeing, skull taking assassin and she'll chime in when she is needed. Izra is an advisor, a tracker and most importantly a killer and she does all three of these things well. While it's a cliche to say she doesn't get close to anyone, she doesn't have much oppurunity. Outsiders use her, and her own fellow mutants are scared of her reputation of blood and danger. Who knew dating in the waste land would be so slim? The one trait that stands out is she's loyal, maybe to some than others. Contracts don't always dictate the morals of this trigger puller. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK [indent][sub] Money, Power, Fame? A strange mysterious attraction to march onto the Republic? An urge to strike at the Old Men in the Mountain? Things are looking up and down for Izra, the old girl takes each day one at a time with stride. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MODIFIERS [indent][sub] [One Thousand Meter Killer] - Having trained as a brave and having the keenst eye in her Cohort, Izra is quite the sniper and can make shots even the Republic's best snipers dream off. Despite this she has a great sense of perception, and attention to detail. [/sub][/indent] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider]