[center] [color=#736AFF][b][h1]Ranbu no Izayoi[/h1][/b][/color] [/center] Leviathan's mouth interspersed itself between Izayoi's sword strike and the Eidolon's neck, sword clashing against fang for a moment before Izayoi pushed off and retreated, skidding across the ground as she landed. The Lady of the Whorl moved to capitalize, starting to charge up another water jet in her mouth before Miina's bolt of Thunder flew straight into her gaping maw, doing more damage than expected as it shocked the Eidolon from the inside out. To her credit, Leviathan recovered quickly enough to jerk back and evade Rudolf's darkened cross slash before rolling her head and moving to slam it towards him. Unfortunately for the sea serpent, that left her vulnerable to Galahad's descent, only noticing the dragoon bare moments before he struck. The Eidolon shifted aside enough that Galahad's lightning halberd slid down the side of her snout, inflicting a grievous scar but ultimately resulting in little more than cosmetic damage. She twitched slightly as most of Ciradyl's arrows didn't penetrate deeply enough, but two or three pierced her scales for her to roar in pain and fury. Waves crashed around the Eidolon as she started to channel a spell in truth, rather than just relying on her natural ability to harness ambient aether, but the bolt of light coming from Robin's blade blinded her for but a moment, disrupting her concentration enough for a sped-up Izayoi to close in, aiming to capitalize. Any follow-up was to no avail as the water around Leviathan burst outward, knocking everyone back and waterlogging them. When their vision cleared, Leviathan could be seen channeling another spell once more, surrounded by a watery barrier. [h3]"Enough of this! If you would threaten me in mine own domain, then drown in these raging torrents!"[/h3] A swing of Izayoi's sword sent a wind shockwave at the water barrier, but the projectile dissipated and was drowned out by the tides surrounding the titanic serpent. The samurai's eyes widened, moving to sheathe her sword. [color=#736AFF][b]"We must stop the spell! Bring all you have to bear against the barrier!"[/b][/color] Gods be damned, if only Eve was still with them! Megaflare would have been perfect here! [i]Moments left until Tidal Wave...[/i]