On the last episode, Alice successfully spotted Eti, but she wasn't the only one. Unfortunately, so had everyone else. Little woolen soldiers did their very best to dash the possibility of a peaceful resolution from the table as they took aim with their slender rifles and fired row upon row of—what were they—thumbtacks? The flat kind with the wide metal butt so that they glistened in the faux sunlight as they stuck the edge of the building and drove the scurrying red thing to burrowing through the roof. [color=f49ac2][i]‘Oh bother,’[/i][/color] She could heard Winn Poh rolling his eyes as she plucked up her skirts and began bullying her way through the crowd with all the grace of a snail, [color=f49ac2][i][Not very effective is it?][/i][/color] A voice rang. Familiar enough with telepathic communication Alice was quick to discover that the mysterious stranger was ringing her from within, disconnected from her own consciousness, she could surmise that it was the original host and perhaps the source of her newfound powers. [color=f49ac2][i]‘I don’t suppose you’d have any advice.’[/i][/color] [color=f49ac2][i][You could always order them out of the way.][/i][/color] And when Alice peered at the crowd she knew it was right. Though her time in the plaza had been short at least half of the occupants in her immediate vicinity were staring right at her, voices ringing in her head ranging from ‘what a curious little man’ to ‘what will I have for dinner tonight’ but always punctuated by the singular focal concern that their actions ought to be approved by Lady Alice first. That they would starve on the spot if she did not tell them to feast upon whatever it was that little men and women made of knitted bundles ate when they returned home and she said… [color=f49ac2][i]‘No thank you, I don’t want that kind of power over others, I refuse it once I’ll refuse it again.’ [Fascinating, you seem very experienced with this kind of thing.] ‘With brainwashers and mindsludgers? Yes, I would say that I’ve dealt with my fair share.’ [He isn’t nearly so experienced, are you sure you can stop him alone?] ‘…’ [Here, I’ll give you a hint.][/i][/color] Alice frowned only to find, look at that, in slinging her arms forward the pink goo oozing out from under her sleeves streeeeeeetched all the way up to the tower until they hit the wall with a wet splat. Just as soon as it happened they contracted dragging her up to the buildings edge where she found herself clinging to the balcony once again like a snail trying to climb its way up, albeit far more effective and less likely to die reaching its destination. People gawked and the guards, many of whom were still outside the parameter of her influence, took aim only to have their rifles grabbed or grappled or shoved out of the way. [color=f49ac2][i]‘They’re—’ [It’s their natural instinct to protect you, they love you after all, that’s my power.][/i][/color] [color=ed1c24]“Alice, is it? I’m gon’a push Mister A’s button!”[/color] She wasn’t alone in this adventure, Eti had been undergoing his own revelation, and now with as chipper a voice as any man she’d ever heard bringing in the apocalypse he announced that—well—you read the damn dialogue and if you were a good spectator and read the previous post you know that Alice shouted back with a picture perfect… [color=f49ac2][color=f49ac2]“What button? No, it’s a trap—”[/color][/color] Confetti blasted everywhere and the world changed, something felt odd, felt very heavy overhead. [color=f7941d]“Welcome Alice and Eti to the Yarni-Earth!”[/color] Mr A’s voice echoed from every corner like the trumpets of heaven themselves, and people cheered, didn’t really know what they were cheering but they clapped along anyways because wasn’t this all so very festive. The King had really outdone himself this time around. And Alice, she looked at Eti, clinging to the windowsill with concern in those big gooey pink jellybean eyes, [color=f49ac2][i]“Eti? Are you okay? We ought to leave this place now…”[/i][/color]