[h3]Character Description[/h3] [list]Name: Edwin Aeorouant Species/Race: Human - Quinian Sex: Male Age: 20 Court Alignment: White Role: Prince of Carnelfenney, Leader of the Carnelfennian Royal Detachment Appearance: [url=https://narniafans.s3.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2005/08/dis_peter.jpg]Stands at 5 feet 9 inches[/url] [/list] [h3]Strengths and Weaknesses[/h3] [list] Skills: A member of the Royal House of Aeorouant, Edwin has access to the finest education the country has to offer, as expected for a member of the royal family to be literate and knowledgeable in many fields of study to assist the King or take up the role as one in certain circumstances. He is also physically fit due to his extensive training regiment growing up that he still follows to this day when not attending the meetings of the Privy Council or the tournaments. Edwin handled the use of many weapons and even trained with the Royal Guards to better hone his fighting capabilities. Weaknesses: Can't swim [/list] [h3]Background:[/h3] [list]Backstory: Prince Edwin is King Perick III's youngest brother. He came from a long line of rulers as far as scholars recorded the history of Carnelfenney. To be more accurate, the House of Aeorouant is just another noble family that inherited the mantle from another family through marriages as the progenitor of the Royal House of Aeorouant, Prince Consort Donnan was married to Queen Agata of Heussaff, the prior Royal House over Carnelfenney. The entire royal line claims descendents from King Brevaler, the legendary founder of Greater Quinlan centuries ago. Perick was born into royalty as the third child of King Henog IV (Perick the eldest son, Katell as the daughter) and grew up with expectations that while he may not succeed his father, he will assist the Crown with the best of his ability as Prince. He was given the best tutor the kingdom can offer and he visited the armory to train with weapons due to his fascination with the kingdom’s implements of war. When he was 15, the elderly King Henog IV passed away and the eldest, Crown Prince Perick, was crowned as the next High King of Carnelfenny. The chance of his ascending the throne is slim, especially since Perick is already married with two healthy sons and a daughter when he took the throne while Edwin is still a bachelor. Not that Edwin has desires to take the throne as King, but he does feel limited in his roles. When the King raised his army to relieve the people of Trefgodwig from the Empire, Edwin rode alongside him, eager for some action. The Prince was there when the King negotiated with the Hasikos pretender, Andronika of royal support and after the negotiations, the King came to Edwin with the task of leading the Royal detachment in the King's name. Of course, the King didn't want his brother to fight in a foreign land just to bring glory for himself but also for the opportunity of creating a marriage pact between the Aeorouant and the Hasikos. In Perick's eyes, his brother is certainly available for a relationship and a marriage pact would be extremely beneficial to the Quinians when the Inburian Empire returns in full. Edwin understood his role and while he does want to fight the Imps, he is hesitant about courting the princess. Still, he willingly accepted the King's offer to lead a detachment of royal soldiers in the name of the King. Maybe there is some interests about marrying the Hasikos girl, maybe he justs wanted the adventure more. [/list] [h3]Character Description[/h3] [list]Name: Kieran Dadithas Species/Race: Elgafolk Sex: Male Age: 172 Court Alignment: Eastern Empire Role: General of the Imperial Army in Grendell Appearance: [url=https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/377/028/large/martin-zlatev-elrond.jpg?1419870415]Stands at 6 feet 5 inches[/url] [/list] [h3]Strengths and Weaknesses[/h3] [list] Skills: Over a century of leadership and training with various weapons certainly does a lot for the Elgamann's military prowess. He's also open minded in his beliefs and prefers to promote his underlings based on ability and character instead of status. Weaknesses: Can't swim and his focus on neutrality in the interest of fighting the Blight may create his own enemies. [/list] [h3]Background:[/h3] [list]Backstory: Kieran Dadithas was born after the rise of the Haltian Empire to a horselord family. As a teenager, he was sent east by his father in order for him to integrate himself within the developed area of the Empire and as a way to be familiar with eastern politics. In the East, Kieran was interested in the stories of the humans within the empire and read many books about the history of the Inburian Empire. The portion of the Blight was especially of great interest to him, which he believes another massive invasion by the Orcs could happen again, especially since the Blighted land is still there and only held off by the various armies. Politically, he's in the Reformist faction of the Empire, believing that the policies of Emperor Voron would only hasten the Empire's demise from within but went the way of military service instead of politics, placing much faith in Voron's eldest son in passing reforms within the empire. Kieran Dadithas found himself as the general of the largest military force in the Haltian Empire when he was appointed to lead the force at Grendell against the Blight. It was a job he took seriously and for the next century, drilled the soldiers and officers in Grendell almost daily, regardless of race and status. When civil war broke out within the empire, Kieran didn't send a detachment of the Grendell force to assist Voron II against Orrian. After all, it doesn't matter who becomes Emperor as long as the Blight is still there threatening the Empire's eastern border. Technically, Kieran pledges loyalty to Voron II as his Emperor, mainly due to the fact that Grendell is within the territories of the Eastern faction and of shared political sentiments for reforms. However, even Voron II understands Kieran's public declaration of neutrality in the conflict, that the general could not and would not spare men to fight and die for a throne when the Blight is already there and have already attacked many times. Of course, he has his preference of among the five factions. The Red Wyvern's force is especially brutal towards Elgafolks and he doubt that the Reds would be so kind to the Elgafolks in Grendell, he wouldn't mind the Reds being eliminated only so much that he fears that a Red victory would actually be detrimental to Grendell's military capability. Other factions, he believes, would have the threat of the Blight in their minds and would only ask for a token acknowledgement after their possible victories. [/list]