"You would be correct, child of man," the smirking fae lady replied as she steepled her fingers, "While interfering with my elder sister's affairs is amusing in and of itself, I would like her to suffer a little more than that." A thoughtful expression crossed her face for a few moments, as she crossed her long, shapely, pale legs once again, bare foot swaying gently back and forth. "Hmmm..." The silence was once again complete, aside from the sound of the fae lady's musing, and of Aithne managing to cuddle up to the still-somewhat-dazed Enfys even more closely. It would be easy to mistake the other fae for statues, at this point. "I believe... ah, yes, that will do nicely," the fae lady nodded to herself, before leaning forward once again. "My elder sister collects things, you see," she began, "Things of little true value, that she treasures as a symbol of her personal power." The fae lady's smirk only managed to grow wider. "Take one from her. It matters very little what it is, simply that you give it to me. How you do it is also unimportant. In fact, it's unlikely you would have to commit theft. For you see---" The fae lady gave a flourish with her right hand. "---My elder sister is quite fond of wagers. The higher the stakes, the better. Defeat her, obtain your duke's wits and my prize, and you will have accomplished your mission." She paused for a moment, blue eyes drifting from the Knights to the aessyr currently in Sir Rolan's care. "As for our little sisters, they will remain here for now, until a suitable tree is found for them." [@HereComesTheSnow][@Eisenhorn]