[color=00aeef][b][h3] Gadez Paladice [/h3][/b][/color] [color=00aeef][b]"Hnn...hnn... I do not judge a book by it's cover, neither by the title, the condition of the pages or how reviled or praised it is by others. What matters the most is what it contains." [/b][/color]Gadez said in a soft tone, walking up close to the bars that separated the two and looked into Zeph's hazel eyes with his own ghostly blue. [color=00aeef][b]"A bastard of Auric hm? I am certain there are others which would make such a preposterous claim, but why in the world would someone like -that- man repeat his mis-steps of the past? When that little thing has no doubt kept him sweating at nights. Did that child perish in the fire... or did he light it himself to elude him?"[/b][/color] The blonde man chuckled, his gaze and body unflinching. [color=00aeef][b]"The truth is often sought, but once presented with it, could you tell it apart from fairytales? A bastard. What makes one such? Is it because of a birth outside of wedlock?"[/b][/color] Gadez asked as he allowed his blonde hair momentarily fall over his eyes, shade falling over the top part of his face. [color=00aeef][b]"But there's another meaning of the word."[/b][/color] He leaned in closely to the bars and lowered his voice. [color=00aeef][b]"Hybrid."[/b][/color] He said in a hushed, if not abit dramatic tone of voice. [color=00aeef][b]"You are too harsh on yourself, you are not daft, but are clever enough to see the truth and aid yourself? We shall see..." [/b][/color]He looked upwards, his hair moving away from his eyes momentarily. [i][color=00aeef]'So that foolish boy decided to attack Amaya? As I suspected, he couldn't take no for an answer. But she is now missing? How you spoil a prisoner with the latest news, Zephyros.'[/color][/i] The gardener thought to himself as he lowered his voice. [color=00aeef][b]"Indeed. If there would be an attack upon the princess, I would think he'd be the one. As to our connection? I tried to have him unhand the girl, much to his displeasure. But the princess in her youthful pride decided to lead said boy away, arm in arm If my memory serves me right. Accompanied by her palehaired female friend, two guardsmen by the looks of it and... a little kittycat."[/b][/color] He chuckled at the last part before blowing some air out of his mouth. [color=00aeef][b]"Looked like they were heading away from the inn, towards the outskirts perhaps? Not to worry, I already alerted my younger brother, Flynn of her situation. That was before my rather eventful meeting with the champion of folly. Hahah... but now we are here, right where the pathways in the maze of life has led us. Fortunately for you Zephyros, I have something you need, and you have the key to this cell and may have me released from here. Question is, are you willing to make such a bargain?" [/b][/color]The blonde man smiled and went over towards the wall, looking up at the window far above. [color=00aeef][b]"Get me some parchment and some coal, and I may draw the face of that boy upon it. To be able to provide the face of the princess attacker so early on by a guardsman like yourself may earn you not only prestige. But perhaps a rise in rank amidst your peers, but the favor of the prince and princess for aiding in capturing that young fool too. Coming to think of it, it's very...convenient of said... self-proclaimed champion of Aelios to seal away a man who knew about all of this, wouldn't you say? Perhaps you've ought to bring her here just to be safe that she didn't orchestrate this attack I hear the adjacent cell is even more welcoming than this one. No better place to make ones prayers in neither. Such solitude. Barring the temples." [/b][/color]He spoke in a shrewd manner, but couldn't help but snicker at the end, while tapping his temple with a finger.