[color=#7b8973][h3]WO "Mikey" Rangel[/h3][/color] [hr] Mikey's gaze finished tracking over the faces of her new comrades. For the most part, they looked... pretty well stunned, if maybe not [i]as[/i] shocked as she felt. There were a handful of exceptions, which she took note of. The condescending Frenchman--whose suggestion that the director eat his own Noble Arm made Mikey's face wrinkle even before the man in question compared it to eating his own dead skin--was one. Another was the young woman (Mikey repressed the urge to think of her as a kid; Cristina--[i][color=#7b8973]Crystal? No, definitely Cristina[/color][/i]--was maybe a couple or three years younger than her) who the Director addressed directly. Superior officer or not, Mikey had some ideas on where exactly this "Director" guy could stick his offer to tinker with her Noble Arm. The fact that this younger woman was not only entertaining the offer, but didn't seem particularly disturbed by the prospect... Mikey shivered and turned her gaze away from Cristina. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what would drive a person to accept that sort of deal. (Something in the back of her mind understoood that was because she had already been coerced to accept one deal she didn't like; what was to say there was much difference, in that regard, between her and Cristina?) Her eyes landed on the young soldier standing next to her. In a way, his nervousness was a comfort. At least [i]someone[/i] looked as tense as she felt. She glanced around the room one more time and, satisfied that none of the people she thought might fuss at her were looking in her direction, bumped Archer lightly with her shoulder. [color=#7b8973]"So,"[/color] she whispered at a volume she hoped wouldn't get her in trouble, [color=#7b8973]"what duty do y'think you're gonna pull? Hostage rescue in a perv dungeon, or [i]Normandy 2: Norm Harder[/i]?"[/color] Her words were flippant, but the way her voice cracked and wavered betrayed her own nervousness as if she had announced it.