[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nOOs271.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/uUxG52R.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Ryllae's Abode, Odenfield[/color][/h3] [sub][@Andre Valias][/sub] [hr] Ryllae sat, watching with her long-lashed eyes, her ball-jointed hands folded in her lap, straight-backed and polite as she listened with intrigue. Gervese too, listened in between spoonfuls of stew that disappeared into the shadow of his face. [quote=Anton][color=0072bc]'Thank you so much for having us break bread with you both. However, I have been wondering: what exactly compels the Order of the Looking Glass to join me in my goal?'[/color][/quote] Ryllae's butterflies fluttered in response to such a poignant question, before she leaned forward, one forearm resting on the table. [b]”This past year has been difficult. We have tried to liberate smaller villages from the rule of the Wizard Queen, but she is clever. Anyone we instate is soon removed or bribed, and the village falls back under her rule once more. “I've realized there's only so much we can do as two people. And, when we came across your correspondence, I saw an opportunity that I would be a fool to pass up. A noble of Ravenfell may be the key we need in turning the tide against the Wizard Queen, and finally setting things right…”[/b] Ryllae offered a patient smile, [B]”You can ask me as many questions as you like. I would be inconsolable if your meal grew cold, though. I'll answer while we eat, and while we take a trip down to my cellar…”[/b] That was when she passed her meal to Gervese, giving up the illusion that she actually ate. Whether it was to make her guests feel more at ease, or any other reason, it was unsure. Gervese didn't complain, dutifully finishing off a second bowl of stew and tea. Soon, everyone had finished with lunch. Ryllae rose to remove the dishes and leftover bread, butter and cheese. Placing them on the counter, her hands wiped on her apron, turning back to face them. [b]”Shall we head to the cellar, good gentlemen and misses?”[/b] Shutting the front door behind the group, Ryllae guided the group to the back of the cottage-like home. There was a a small double-door cellar entrance that Ryllae and Gervese opened, one door each. Stepping down the dusty staircase revealed barrels of wine, cheese, and other canned goods. And, at the back of the small cellar, half hidden behind a barrel, was something that glowed. Ryllae nodded to Gervese, who gently shoved the barrel to the side. There revealed was a jagged block of crystal with a glowing tunnel within it, just big enough for a person to enter if they crouched. [b]”A fairy gate.”[/b] Ryllae said, a hint of mischievousness in her soft tone as she glanced at Anton. [b]”Have you ever seen anything like this, my Lord?”[/b]