[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/8NZVYij.png[/img][/center] [center][color=5584AC][h3]People Watching and Poffin Munching[/h3][/color][/center] [right][sup][color=5584AC][b]Location:[/b][/color] [color=CF90DA][i]Pier[/i][/color] [color=5584AC][b]Interaction(s):[/b][/color] [color=CF90DA][i]Everyone[/i][/color][/sup][/right] [hr] Today, Auggie reckoned, was going to be a swell one. Last night was a lengthy process overseeing the loading team as they secured his art exhibits within the ship, but it all went smoothly. Plus it was funny watching the trainers toil alongside their machokes as if the latter needed any help. Anything to feel like a team he supposed. Arriving at the pier, he scanned the sights before him with sleepy eyes and an easy smile on his face. His pockets jangled with loose paraphernalia as he approached. Clear, beautiful skies, a picturesque coastal vista, and was that [i]THE[/i] SuperSophfey!? Cool. Auggie knew they were gonna get popular trainers for their little resort thing, but he didn’t think they’d get any actual celebrities. They asked [i]him[/i] after all, right? Most of the people here were league champions that he vaguely recognized from battle highlights on RotomTube (mostly ones put together by SuperSophfey). That was hard work, no doubt, and they all seemed nice enough, but Auggie was just relieved to not be the only content creator on the ship. Especially with a superstar like Sophfey. There were some others he didn’t recognize either, including a guy with cool glasses whose general demeanor reminded Auggie of an absol, and another guy with cool glasses whose general demeanor reminded him of the exact opposite of an absol, decked out in bright pinks as he was. Either way, Auggie didn’t judge books by their cover, or people by their clothes, as it were. He debunked that whole absols-cause-disasters thing already anyways. And there was a young girl too, emphasis on young. Auggie hoped she was happy to be here, but the blank, slightly grouchy look on her face said otherwise. That was too bad. His interest in watching the crowd waning as time dragged on, Auggie stretched languidly before fumbling a hand into his overalls pockets. Loose pokéballs, a roll of spirit tags held together by a rubber band, a Hearthome City gym badge, and other assorted trinkets were pushed aside as his hand fished for H.D.’s pokéball. Finally, he withdrew the quick ball (no one would ever believe how insanely lucky he got if he hadn’t been recording the event) and released his rotom into the air before him. [color=FF1493][i][b]Beeewwooppbbzzrr?[/b][/i][/color] [color=CF90DA]“I’m stuck on this level of Mark of the Greninja. Can you beat it for me?”[/color] Auggie held up his cell phone. [color=FF1493][i][b]Bzzrrweeepp![/b][/i][/color] With a satisfied trill, H.D. dove into the device and the screen lit up to the video game in question. Auggie dropped his phone into his overalls front pocket. [color=CF90DA]“Thanks man. Just go back into your ball when you’re done. And there’s a surprise for you waiting in our cabin. A desk fan [i]and[/i] a minifridge! I tried to negotiate a lawn mower but they said no, I’m sorry, I know its your favorite.”[/color] He pat the phone in his pocket gently before sighing with contentment. Life would never not be incredibly cool. [color=yellow]"The captain is late."[/color] The tired girl said. She sounded exactly how she looked. [color=yellow]"I wonder how much longer it'll be before we can board."[/color] Auggie bit his inner cheek before speaking up. [color=CF90DA]“...More time to get to know everyone, yeah?”[/color] He looked around the group pleasantly, flashing a little wave and smile at Sophie when his gaze passed over her, before addressing everyone once more. [color=CF90DA]“I’m, ah, Auggie. I do artwork. Mostly painting. And I do ghost stuff. It’s not usually ghosts though.”[/color] He spoke with an airy, languorous tone, before reaching into one of his overstuffed pockets and pulling out a slightly stale poffin. He peered at the others while nibbling on the treat.