[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/220119/688a09cf96fc2bdf9eca5ffa38e9c029.png[/img][/center] Location: Pier Interactions: Vitesse[@Carlyle] Auggie [@BurningCold] Syl[@Aku the Samurai] Sophie [@Yankee] A candy pink limousine pulled up to the pier. The door swung open, and out stepped André in all his pink glory. A few fans near the pier immediately recognized him, pulling out their phones and whispering excitedly. Never one to deny his admirers, André flashed a dazzling smile, waved and blew a few kisses to the gathering onlookers. [color=fd6c9e]“Bonjour, mes amours!”[/color] From the passenger seat of the car, Jolie the Clefable gracefully hopped out, and followed alongside her trainer, mirroring his movements. André sauntered toward the boarding area, completely unbothered. When he reached the other guests, he removed his sunglasses with a flourish. [color=fd6c9e]“No need to worry, the star has arrived!”[/color] He looked at the others who had gathered. He figured it would mostly be Champions and people associated with Battling. He didn’t really recognize most of them. But they were all attractive in their own ways, even though in André’s opinion, they were all dressed rather plainly. One young man was wearing overalls. OVERALLS! This was supposed to be a celebration, and he chose the most tackiest outfit imaginable… His face was still cute though. There were only two people he recognized in the group. One was Syl Archer, the Kalos Champion, and the one who had beaten one of his idols, Diantha. The other was Sophfey. You would think a busy movie star like André wouldn’t have time to watch internet content, but you’d be wrong. André loved her entire aesthetic, and watched some of her videos in his spare time. It was a pure coincidence that André just happened to have an Azumarill named Sophie… The other girl complained about the captain being late, and the overall boy, who introduced himself as Auggie chimed in. André placed a hand dramatically over his heart and gave an exaggerated sigh. [color=fd6c9e]“Ah, mon dieu! A late captain? How tragic! But worry not—your wait is over now that I am here! I am André Bellamy by the way. But I am certain you all knew that already.”[/color] He gestured toward Auggie with a playful twirl of his wrist. [color=fd6c9e]“And you, monsieur… overalls at an event like this? Très audacieux! You must have some incredible confidence to pull off such a… rustic ensemble.”[/color] He said while observing his ensemble. [color=fd6c9e]“And Syl Archer! Le grande championne!”[/color] André spread his arms wide as if welcoming an old friend, despite never meeting him in person before. [color=fd6c9e]“You are even more handsome in real life than you are on screen. I must say, I am envious! Beating Diantha… such talent!”[/color] His attention shifted to Sophfey. [color=fd6c9e]“And Sophfey! Chérie, I adore your content. I simply had to tell you in person. You inspire me more than you know.”[/color] He gave her a nod before adding, [color=fd6c9e]“We must collaborate someday.”[/color]