[hider=Part 1- Morning Apple surprise] [center][b][color=limegreen][h1]Kazumin Nagasa[/h1][/color][/b] [img]https://i.ibb.co/YX1sZZL/download.png[/img] [/center] [color=limegreen]Time: [/color] morning [color=limegreen]Location: [/color] Asteroth Estate [color=limegreen]Interactions:[/color] [color=limegreen]Mentions:[/color] Persephone/olivia, charlotte, Calbert, Anastasia, Fritz, Ruby [color=gray] [hider=Trigger warning-gruesome imagery] A blinding light flashed that had the dazed blonde blink in rapid repeated session, each swipe eased the burning sensation. The world before him, a blurry mess gradually came into focus; revealing what was thought to be the sun, but instead a dazzling chandelier adorned with rows of elegant gems crafted in a way that when lit would appear like a mini sun thrumming with a strange warmth. An almost meek chuckle left his confused lips at the peculiar sight, though would pale in comparison once his eyes settled upon the room. Assortments of weapons and pictures lined the walls, but the glare of the chandelier kept the faces obscured. Before him, sat an intricately ornately designed round table littered with a wide assortment of delicious rare, fancy dishes and bright colorful candles. Further illuminating the overly fancy-designed dining room, much to the dismay of discomfort. Fresh sweat glistened across his forehead, each second feeling like a heat lamp had been aimed over him. Peering downward to find himself dressed in a plain and simple light-brown nobleman get-up, far too plain for his taste which exacerbated his discomfort further, the delicious spread doing little to ease it. “ It’s so good Kazu! You got to eat!” The familiar voice spoke out with delight. Pausing in his attempt to rid himself of the tight clothes when it did, and with it finally took notice of those gathered around him. Taken aback in surprise to see Percy and Ruby both eating nonchalantly dressed in gorgeous dresses; an unsettling sight to see for him. They weren’t the only ones as he soon saw Charlotte beside Percy with….Anastasia? She sat next to Ruby. Seeing the princess had him doubletake for a moment, albeit with a very colorful and bright frilly mask that looked to dance with each movement hid her face somewhat and her voice distant as if still not too familiar. The same was towards the next figure which required a closer inspection to see Fritz beneath a raven mask and finally… Hugo? His so called bodyguard sat at the far back part of the table, not partaking or interested with his gaze fixed on him. Appearing like a guest and more an observer. Yet, all his worries and discomfort melted away as he leaned forward on the table.”[color=limegreen] The hell are you guys doing here?! And…..where did you get all this stuff?![/color]” The flabbergasted kazu fumbled out in a mixture of confusion and excitement. “ Who knows, but look Kazu, meat! So much meat!” Ruby cried out in delight or more rumbled out as he saw her cutting into a massive prime rib that might as well have been a whole cow plopped on the table.” Hah! Got to show that to the pudding shop next time.” He remarked, grinning as he trusted his ravenous friend hunger to win. “ We were all invited, an apology feast the invite said.” Charlotte chimed in gently before slipping in her next spoonful of strawberry ice cream. Kazu tilted his head curiously.” [color=limegreen]A fe-[/color]” An unpleasant burning sensation struck his forehead at the mention of apology, causing quick flashes to appear over the room, looking much like Calbert’s dining room but they were too brief to be certain of what he saw, the last being of some kind of dark hole. He gingerly reached out and picked up the mug before him to take a sip, discovering it to be soothing oolong tea. “ Are you ok Kazzy? Did someone spike your food? If they did I swear I’ll take this knife and jab- A dismissive wave of his left hand.” [color=limegreen]N-no. Just..overwhelmed I guess…giving me a headache. Been getting that a lot more lately.[/color]” Smacking his lips as he peered at the light green liquid, greatly wishing he had some booze to numb the burning on his forehead.” [color=limegreen]So uh…who’s hosting this shindig….and apologizing for what?[/color]” Kazu asked, slightly grimacing at the end, his right hand used to rub at his forehead. A soft rustling came from Fritz who placed his gloved hand palm facing upward currently closed on the table.” That we do not know, all that the host left us is this as a messenger.” Opening his hand to release some kind of furry creature which had already moved leaving him unsure until the guinea pig suddenly popping its head up from behind the mug he sipped from, in its mouth was a folded letter. Hesitantly, the cowlicked blonde took the letter, where on the front he read the initials C.D. An immense dryness left him vainly attempting to swallow as he peered at the initials, like printed letters burning holes into the paper. * Don’t open it! Throw it away! Dump it in the mug! Just don’t look!* A voice screamed in his head and with it his breathing became shallow and difficult. The burning on his forehead was now beginning to itch beneath the sweat pouring from his drenched body; all the while the rest continued eating and chatting as he was melting with uncertainties and thoughts that kept flashing in, of things he couldn’t remember. Were they real? Did any of it happen? Were they even his memories? Shaking his head furiously with heated pants trying to catch his breath. Every second he delayed, the worse the sensation on his forehead became. combined with the casual camaraderie and clinking of dishes sounded akin to a flame wick crackling down, the candles popping at times, leaving shadowy splotches around him. When it all finally became too much, Kazu gave in and opened the letter and all it contained was a large black spot. Or at least that’s what it appeared, for realization struck that he was staring down at a seemingly bottomless black pit somehow etched onto the blank paper. In a horrendous gush of wind, the candles and all light blew out and all sounds vanished. A silence only lasting a second then- BANG! BANG! BANG BANGBANGBANGBANG! A cacophony of booms rang out; muffled screaming mingled in. Impossible to tell if they were his own or the other's as the immense darkness and whirling gush made discerning anything difficult. Only when the ear-shattering booms finally cease was it feasible to hear again, save through ringing, leaving him to do little else but shake with the table his lone lifeline. Eyes tightly closed and body bent forward, Kazu took a minute to assess himself to see that he was fine, but for sensation on his forehead, it no longer burned but itched fiercely in its place though his arms were too afraid to leave the table to tend to it, fearing it may vanished only to be replaced with a far deeper chilling thought. “ [color=limegreen]G-guys…you..y’all alright? Percy?.....Ruby….Char…[/color]” He called out to them, giving a good pause to allow his friends to respond.”[color=limegreen] Ani? …Fritz? Anyone, please, respond![/color]” The harrowing thought echoed in his head, yet his voice simply faded into the void. A smell soon reached his nose; nauseating and horrid with a sickening taste of metal lingering behind. Crackle! A candle burst to life and with its orange glow, a terrified STOP! Spewed from his mouth with all his strength in pleading to whatever…for it to stop. Fighting to keep his eyes closed, but the lone candle burned furiously and what he swore to be screams could only be heard in his head, drilling into his mind before it became too much, forced to open his eyes streaked with fresh tears spilling heavily at the sight of Percy lifeless body slung back against her chair, a bullet in her forehead. Tears burned against his cheeks, unable to breathe or truly register what he was seeing, then another candle lit, revealing Ruby lying face first on her dish.” [color=limegreen]Stop this….no more.[/color]” Kazu pleaded, his voice cracking. One by one the candles lit, revealing each of his friends shot dead, each in the forehead matching the placement his itched. Not that he could notice it anymore, his body felt numb and drained of energy. Kazumin had been staring down at the table struggling to accept what he had witnessed, when a strange sound caught his attention. Faint and barely perceptible at first and…muffled? Slowly, he lifted his gaze to the mug, having forgotten about it, and saw the guinea pig had not moved either, its eyes like bright blue crystals staring back at him, almost mockingly so. A burbling from the mug pulled his attention from the critter that nearly made him jump at seeing his reflection. Staring down in horror at his reflection laughing beneath the liquid surface. Starting like a snicker then a chuckle and with the continued tempo of laughter the bubbling intensified with it. And through the bubbling, he could barely make out the inky spot on his forehead, when a trickle of warmth streamed down his forehead having scarlet droplets fall into the green liquid. The gentle rippling of blood soothed the surface giving a brief clear glimpse of his maniacal face before half his face flashed with Calbert’s Image. “[color=0072bc] Kazu…Kazumin….KAZUMIN![/color]” His head shot back up to suddenly see Hugo’s hand inches from his face reaching closer, threatening to envelop him. “ [color=limegreen] Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!![/color]” Bang! [/hider] [nightmare sequence involving witnessing death of close and budding friends during a fancy dinner feast] “ [color=0072bc]Wake up, Kazumin…wake up![/color]” The gloved hand gave a rough shake of the shoulders. Hugo’s concerned words and attempt to wake him had Kazu burst awake swinging his left fist, almost sucker punching the knight, who barely avoided it by leaning back against his seat, grabbing hold of said arm.” Take it easy, Kazumin. You’re in no danger.” The man stated sternly, his grip holding firm. A bit of pain aside, Kazu was grateful for this or any sensation that assured him that what he experienced hadn’t been real after all. In that time, he turned and looked around frantically; taking in the cart that rumbled onward, making its way back to Asteroth estate. Then he took in Hugo ever stern face gazing back at him, but the man’s expression was softer with worry. Panting and blinking the streaks of tears that stained his eyes, trying to remember the last thing he did for his mind was a hazy mess. Thankfully, each gulp of fresh air helped ease the aching in his lungs, and that horrid dream was already beginning to fade from his mind, though one he would not forget about. Only once Hugo was sure that Kazu had a sense of himself again, did he release his grip?”[color=00aeef] Hm, an unpleasant dream to be sure to have you so reckless. Do you wish to discuss it?[/color]” He asked, offering a gloved hand. At first, Kazu remained hugging against the corner he had been sleeping, staring at the offered hand. His confused expression turning to understanding as he took one more slow look around and dragged his left hand along the seat. One final confirmation he was actually here. A slow inhale led into a soft chuckle, finally letting himself relax enough to try and sit up, where a jolt of stiffness hit.” [color=limegreen]No..just..just a dumb nightmare. Felt…so real too.[/color]” The blonde grimaced, head still reeling, prompting him to rub at his forehead, finding it felt warm. Turning to the window, only to gasp, thinking he saw his laughing blood-streaked face in the reflection. A quick rub of his eyes to see himself staring back with a very red-marked forehead and on closer look could see the fading indent from him sleeping against it. An airy laugh upon spotting it while idly rubbing at his forehead.”[color=limegreen] Definitely not a fun one I can tell ya….food looked delicious. Stupid dream never let me get a taste.[/color]” Rubbing bitterly at his forehead while noticing Hugo roll his eyes coming to assume it to be some ridiculous food dream. Best to leave it at that for now, the memory of his friends like that…was too painful currently. “ [color=00aeef]Here we had hoped the camping trip would have been just what you needed. Instead, I find you in a seemingly worse state?[/color]” Motioning towards Kazu in general. The cowlicked blonde tried to shift only to grimace due to all the stiffness and aches in his body, recalling his inability to sleep in thanks to nightmares plaguing him, his latest the worst one yet. Sleep on the rough ground while stressed and with a cheap, worn sleeping bag made for poor sleeping conditions. Yet, the pain in his body was nothing compared to remembering that so-called camping site that the nobles did.” [color=limegreen]Yeah..I thought so too. Course, it being a courtship thing with noble ladies certainly didn’t help.[/color]” Running a hand through his hair and a long tired sigh.” [color=limegreen]Guess its hard to get into the courting mood when you got Count crapert wanting you dead.[/color]” Chuckling weakly, his right hand resting over his eyes, the sunlight hurting his eyes. His eyebrows furrowed, and Hugo studied Kazumin checking for any signs he might be faking for another of his jokes. The faint trembling of his disheveled body and the few minor bruise marks likely formed from a night’s worth of tussling.”[color=00aeef] Seeing how shaken you are, it’s clear things have been…difficult for you.[/color]” The knight sat back, arms folding casually across his chest.”[color=00aeef] Best to give you the message from lord Asteroth now, I suppose. Seeing that you behaved, your lessons are hereby canceled for the next few days. The lord thinks a proper break is in order. Take some time to yourself, perhaps tending to the garden may serve to get your mind off things.”[/color] Nodding his head, observing his client’s reaction to the news. Life sparked in his eyes for the first time since waking up and a smirk crept the corner of his mouth. Seems to prepare some snarky playful comment at finally being given a day off, but found he couldn’t muster it, whether it be he’s still shaken or too tired or too stressed, whatever it was that had him respond with a simple appreciative nod of the head.”[color=limegreen] …Thanks, Hugo.[/color]” Slumping his head back against the window, where he spent the rest of the trip just peering out watching the scenery pass by, his mind on the garden as a distraction. Seeing that he was not in the mood to talk, much to Hugo’s surprise, though he couldn't blame the young man, the shadows lay heavy beneath the eyes and lack of retort more so. Not long after, the cart pulled to a stop with the familiar estate waiting a short way outside. Before he could make for his bag, Hugo had made to grab and lift it up.” [color=00aeef]I will handle the gear, you just enjoy the day off.[/color]” His words meant to be advice, and his tone gave the vibe of command, as if Kazu was going to complain at this point. Besides, there was one last obstacle blocking his way and with the aches in his body coursing through stiff muscles. His nemesis, the stairs loomed, almost mocking. A slow, deliberate inhale and exhale to match, drumming up the energy to finally step down from the cart. The dazzling sun; a friend made an enemy this morning as the abrupt brightness hitting him at once left his eyes stinging painfully, reminded of that damn chandelier making him recoil, scowling the grumpy blonde hunched his way up the stairs, hand all but clinging to the railing.” [color=limegreen]Not today stairs. I’m going to enjoy my day gardening, damn it![/color]” Exclaiming said challenge fiercely. Slowly, he made his way up, panting and wheezing like a hunched-over old man, each step felt weighed down by blocks of lead. After what felt like an eternity, Kazu finally reached the top to find Miss Sasha running over; a glass of water in hand.” [color=bc8dbf]Good heavens. You sound as if you walked your way here. Drink this.[/color]” The maid offered the glass while continuing her fretting. Kazu, however, could only see and hear the miracle elixir sloshing tantalizing in the offering. He desperately took the offering eager to sate his parched throat, only to feel Sasha try to inspect his body, the ticklish touch nearly had him drop the glass. He caught it, not without losing half its contents prompting him to reel back and cover up to block the touchy woman.”[color=limegreen] Oy! Take it easy, lady..sheesh! I’m far too delicate a flower for such a frisky maid.[/color]” Feigning being bashful. Sasha blushed in shock at the sudden change turning that blush to a shade of red. The familiar wind-up of a slap in-coming forced him to relent.” I give I give! Please…..my face’s already sore enough, I’m fine alright? Just bad sleep is all…sorry.” Glancing away meekly; a sip from the glass used to hide a small coy smile. A laugh felt good right now as was the water that he gulped down in one go.”[color=limegreen] Ohhh…shit. Whoever says water has no taste is dead wrong…so good. *smacksmack* Minty too![/color]” A relieved sigh with a small visible huff from the mint.” [color=limegreen]Thank you, Sasha, you’re a life safer, really.[/color]” A sharp glare with her hand still held up, still contemplating whether to hit him or not. Relenting at seeing Kazu’s spirit improving and the fact she couldn’t help but giggle a bit.” [color=a187be]Hmph, good to see your mood improving already.[/color]” Smiling with a gentle pat against his hand holding the glass, eyebrows furrowing with worry.”[color=a187be] Hugo re-...told me you had a nightmare? That it left you rattled?[/color]” She asked, her lips showed she had more, but bit them back not wanting to push him too hard or pry. His guilt worsened at seeing Sasha so worried, and while she was someone he enjoyed talking with. There was only one person he wanted to talk about this with, though he was too tired and mind too fried for much talking. Nothing that some bit of relaxing gardening couldn’t fix.”[color=limegreen] I…. I will admit my mind’s a cluttered mess, but….. I just want to turn my brain off and sing to some flowers.[/color]” Rubbing at his forehead and hair with his free hand.”[color=limegreen] Some more of this water and…maybe some celery sticks for snacks? Might coax me to talk a bit? Hm?[/color]” Kazu pleaded cutely with a gentle clink of the glass. A huff from Sasha who shook her head.”[color=a187be] Don’t go pushing your sympathy game now. And we’re out of celery.[/color]” She clarified, taking the glass and turned away, pausing mid-step.”[color=a187be] We do have some oatmeal cookies freshly baked and he ended up making too much. I suppose that will do.[/color]” A teasing smirk aimed back at the cowlicked blonde. Expecting disappointment and instead saw a big grin.” [color=limegreen]Oat me up, yes please![/color]” A little cheer at the treat, already this day was starting to look up.” Sounds great Sash, I’ll be at the garden, and if you got free time, feel free to join. More green thumbs the better.” Waggling his thumbs chuckling. A departing wave, Kazu strolled his way through, greeting a passing Hugo who was making his way back to the cart to help the driver. He lacked the usual pep in his step, but had already shown signs of waking. Comforted at seeing the tired blonde improving state, felt a bit more at ease as she made for the kitchen. Humming a little tune as she prepared Kazumin’s plate of oatmeal cookies with a few chocolate chips hidden in for a little bonus treat.” [color=a187be]There we go. He should like these. Maybe I can try to send someone to get Olivia once he's feeling better.[/color]” Frowning, picturing the disheveled Kazumin in the reflection. A close friend was what he needed. Nodding, she had started making her way through the estate, towards the center portion where it was stationed when… "[color=limegreen]AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH![/color]” A loud wail filled with horror screeched its way along the walls where it soon spread throughout the estate. A resounding scream had Sasha jumping in place; dropping the tray in hand where the sound of glass shattering had her let out a small scream. For a moment, the maid could do little else but stand rooted in stunned shock. Her hand resting against her chest, heart threatening to pound its way free from fright. Giving herself a moment to collect her breath after feeling as if it had been knocked from her lungs. Then her mind clicked back into reality and with it came the realization that that was Kazu’s scream and it came from the garden. A pit formed in her stomach, and the worst thoughts flooded her mind.”[color=a187be] K-Kazumin![/color]” Sasha called out his name, hoping for a response, but instead heard a voice from behind.” M-Miss Sasha! Are you ok? We all heard that scream and…and…” The servant closest to the incident had come to check things, confusion etched the middle-aged tanned male, his scarred hands nervously wringing a towel. “[color=a187be] I don't know, I was preparing to check in on Kazumin when...[/color]" Shaking away the dark thoughts trying to encroach its way in and steeled herself." [color=a187be] You are to get Master Asteroth and bring him to the garden then tell the servants to gather in the main hall and await further instructions.[/color]” Sasha pushed herself to give said orders after a slow calming breath.” Yes, Miss! Please be careful, if it proves dangerous call for us.” After a quick assuring exchange, the two went their separate ways. The clacking of heels and hard breathing were all that Sasha could hear going forward as no other sound nor response still came. Her heart pounded in her ears, tears streaked her eyes, wishing that cowlicked idiot would say something, anything to let her know… “ [color=a187be]Kazumin! Please[/color]!” She cried out the instant she burst her way through the door into the garden room in a near full panic now, fearing that…that… Still, no response came. Turning her head to and fro trying to find him, hoping he was near the entrance though save for the faint indent of fresh footsteps, nothing was out of place. The garden lay quiet, to great dismay, only the faint rustling of the wind, the round room held hedge walls covered in scented flowers of the region with an open ceiling that allowed sunlight to spill in freely. A shifting of the shadows of the clouds and turning her head would she take notice of the top of an apple tree, then it dawned on her.”[color=a187be] The tree! Kazumin![/color]” Gasped Sasha and hope lit a new as she charged her way into the small hedge maze. The maze was nothing fancy nor held too many paths; one that most could memorize with ease and Sasha could traverse it blindfold. And yet, as she ran, stumbling over her feet; kept finding herself at a dead end and turned around.”[color=a187be] Please…answer!...Kazumin!...I swear if this is another of your pranks….please…please be a prank.[/color]” She pleaded, still trying to get a response and at this point was on the verge of crying out in frustration, when a low grunt reached her ears upon turning the corner. It was there, up ahead that he could see a crouched figure seemingly on their knees.” [color=a187be]K-Kazu…please…say something..anything![/color]” Struggling to get the words through the lump in her throat as she took slow, tentative steps closer, the familiar bouncy gold cowlick sprung into view first, then she saw the figure move with a disgruntled sigh, but otherwise, no signs of acknowledgment came. Yet, the moment she saw the cowlick she rushed the last stretch, nearly sliding into the slumped-over Kazu, her hands frantically checking with nervous fervor and with immense relief found no injuries or so.”[color=a187be] N-nothing. You…you’re ok…Kazumin, why..why didn’t you respond?! You half scared me to death![/color]” She nearly shouted at the farmhand, placing her hands on his shoulders intending to shake him. “[color=a187be] Was this another of your stupid pranks? You have any idea how st-[/color]” Sasha froze in place at seeing the look on his face, or lack of for he sat blankly staring ahead, hands slumped at his side. However, it was his eyes that left her feeling pale, those almond brown eyes that always gave off such warmth were hollow…there he sat, hollow, horrified, and pained eyes that soon drew her to turn to the apple tree. At that moment she understood, staring horror-struck, blood-chilling in her veins, hands clasping over her mouth the only thing keeping her from letting out a scream. The pair sat, staring at the apple tree, a lovely tree that was still young and much growing to do with its first batch of apples having been growing in. How excited Kazu was to make apple pies from them. But now, the apples littered the ground, smushed and stepped on, the patches of flowers planted around the tree had been stomped and tossed around. But the ruined garden was nothing compared to what had been done to the tree, meant to bore sweet fruit, now instead had dolls cruelly nailed to its bark and branches. Each of them were done explicitly with a nail set on the head or heart with bits of sap oozing out almost like blood to further disgust those viewing. Upsetting a sight as it was, but what was truly shocking upon closer inspection, besides the number of them, were their designs. Most looked unfamiliar to her, some appearing like kids of varying ages and two adults, who she guessed to be the nagasa, but there were those she recognized. Biting back gulp, wanting to doubt what her eyes were seeing, yet even through tears she could recognise a doll matching Persephone and Charlotte’s appearance among others that only Kazu could tell or knew. The apple tree stood looming, now a disfigured totem, its message [/color] [/hider]