[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/nOOs271.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/uUxG52R.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=gray]Ryllae's Abode, Odenfield[/color][/h3] [sub][@Andre Valias][/sub] [hr] [quote=Anton][color=0072bc]'How exactly did you know I was from Ravenfell? I avoided mentioning it in my letter to His Grace.'[/color][/quote] Ryllae nodded gracefully. [b]”This isn't the entirety of the Order of the Looking Glass. We have people in each hold, and watching the border. You could say we pride ourselves on our… Political knowledge.”[/b] Standing in front of the fairy gate, the air grew suddenly tense. [quote=Sylrael][b]'Not something I'd keep beneath my house.'[/b][/quote] Ryllae gave an easing gesture towards Sylrael. [b]”It's entirely safe, I assure you.”[/b] She then turned to Gervese. [b]”Keep watch on the cellar, please.”[/b] Gervese glanced down and nodded, standing a little straighter in his position beside the gate. Ryllae nodded back, before whispering to one of her butterflies. It fluttered from her hair, taking its perch atop the gate. Satisfied, Ryllae turned to Anton and his companions. [b]”The Seeds are through this gate. I will go and retrieve them. You are welcome to remain here, My Lord. However, I assure you, it's quite the view.”[/b] With that said, Ryllae gently stooped and stepped into the fairy gate. There was a shimmering flash of light, and she disappeared. Now, if Anton were to follow, he would enter into a field on the other side. The skies overhead were shades of purple, with rolling clouds of lavender that swirled. The fields themselves rolled with a slight wind, illuminating white, even the meadow poppies, even the stalks of grass. The colors of white over purple immediately gave this place an otherworldly charm. Poking up from the grass and glade were little yellow eyes and little wispy figures. Small shades. Though, they did nothing more than stare. Ryllae moved at a steady pace to a small thicket, moving past glowing white trees to a small clearing where Feathered Nightmares roosted. The large birds stirred slightly at her approach, but besides that held their peace, staring curiously. She slipped past the birds, edging deeper into the crowd, until she came face to face with a blue-tailed Feathered Nightmare, larger than the rest. [b]”Valokein. [i](Welcome.)[/i]”[/b] The bird rumbled, its voice, like air hissing against metal, spoke. [b]”Zu'u lost bo fah nii. [i](I have come for it.)[/i]”[/b] Ryllae said in response. The Feathered Nightmare nodded, before stepping back. in its nest where it had been roosting, there was a lack of eggs. Instead, there was small, wooden chest. Ryllae stared for a moment, before reaching down, picking up the chest. She procured a key from the folds of her cotton dress, opening the chest. Her face lit up with the luminescent colors of the Seeds glimmering within. She seemed to count them for a moment, before she looked up at the bird. [b]”Nox hi. [i](Thank you.)[/i]”[/b] She said. The bird gave a low nod of its head. The Seeds had been acquired.