[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/250102/a95e4b6a6ce723b5dea7a22b1e6417a1.png[/img][/center] Location: Pier [right]Interaction(s): Everyone[/right] [hr] Edward was in an excellent mood as he stood on the pier enjoying the coastal breeze, the weather is fantastic, the salty air in his lungs is refreshing and his coat is flapping in the breeze. It felt like a good day for adventure, a little more civilised than normal, certainly, but everything from the fancy yacht, looking far more impressive than the small vessels he usually charters, to the destination and his fellow passengers promise to be a new experience. He looks over to the passengers, turning away from the sparkling sea and is surprised how many faces he recognises. Kaison and Syl are a given, he doesn't usually have time to watch live, but he always catches up on the latest championship bouts between travels, he's also pretty sure these particular champions were as keen to do the actual job as he was. The silver haired man in overalls looks familiar, but it's not until he introduces himself as Auggie that Edward remembers watching a video of him trying to make sense of the Ruins of Alph. He recognises Sophie from a few thumbnails he's seen of her posing with some rare pokemon or other, he couldn't tell you what she actually does though. He doesn't know the rest, though the name Bat Standifur rings a bell for some reason and does not miss that the young girl is seemingly the one person who doesn't actually want to be here. Edward steps forward at the mention of their missing captain, joining the conversation with a smile [color=C0C0C0]"Of course the captain's fine, the water's far too calm for an experienced sailor to fall in, perhaps he overslep."[/color]