[center][h2][color=cyan] Gerard Biserus [/color] [/h2] [/center][hr] [color=cyan]Spooks are always unusual. We [i]are[/i] transferring a VIP though, that's probably why they have all this security.[/color] Gerard replied across their mental channel as the small grouped trudged up the stairs, the princess in the 'center' of their little group. The house itself didn't seem particularly large, just a single flight to the upper level, where another pair of spooks awaited them outside what seemed to be an office room. It almost felt like a clown car with how many people they fit in here- but if this was going to be security that took the Princess off their hands, Gerard supposed it made a bit of sense. As they approached the door, one of the guards merely glanced at them before pushing open the door. The office itself was a small affair- obviously one of the larger rooms in this building, but that wasn't saying a whole lot. The small group of them fit in there easily enough, A plainly decorated office room with a pair of windows overlooking the street- blinds closed, of course. The back of the room had a desk where the man named 'Dirk' sat, a tired looking, almost gaunt looking man in his 30s pouring over some sort of communications on a pad. A jet black goatee covered his jaw and an equally black set of shades were currently resting on his forehead- the only source of color on his bald head as a pair of piercing green eyes shot up towards them. As tired as he looked, Dirk was clearly no office worker, even beneath the spook's black suit the scars and callouses on his hands were easily visible. In each back corner another suited spook stood guard. [color=cyan]"A lot of security here."[/color] Gerard chuckled as he glanced back and forth. Dirk shrugged as he motioned them in. [color=lightgreen]"Well, there's someone shooting down airships without our permission. I'd say heightened security is necessary."[/color] Dirk replied offhandedly as he stood up from his desk. Being a spook certainly didn't suit this man- Gerard might've said. The man wasn't huge or broad, but he was almost as tall as Morden- not quite subtle. As the WARDEN's filtered into the room, Dirk beckoned Collette forward so he could take a look at her. He glanced between her and his pad as he was seemingly comparing information between the two, the princess shifting awkwardly on her feet in the relative silence. [color=cyan]Okay, I take it back. I'm starting to feel weird about this too.[/color] Gerard admitted as he shifted uncomfortably. Perhaps he just wasn't used to the silence. The examination went on for a few minutes longer, Dirk pulling off the princess' cap as he continued to check- quietly murmured voices between him and Collette as she answered questions to more or less prove her identity. Finally, Dirk seemed to be satisfied. With a nod, he glanced back over to the Barghests assembled before him. [color=lightgreen]"Looks like things check out. We'll take her from here."[/color] Dirk confirmed, lowering his shades to cover his eyes. Collette turned back to the WARDENs and offered them a small smile, [color=coral]"Well, I guess this is where we part ways."[/color] she said with a slight not. [color=coral]"Its certainly been... an experience... I know you probably don't care for it, but thank you all anyway."[/color] [color=lightgreen]"Stand by for a moment, Barghests. We'll begin debrief shortly."[/color] Dirk said plainly as he grabbed Collette and moved her into the next room, the princess' eyes widening from the sudden and perhaps surprising roughness of the motion. [color=coral]"Huh- Wait- I-"[/color] Gerard blinked in concern, but not at the handling of the princess, rather he glanced back behind them. [color=cyan]Hey gu-[/color] The way his eyes moved it was obvious he was trying to say something over their mental communication channel- though no one heard anything. Their connection through the Astral Mist had been cut. More specifically, it felt as though all the Mist in the room had been suddenly shunted away- as though blown away by wind if that were possible. The mist was slowly filtering back in, which meant they'd have access to their magic again in a minute or so. Gerard recalled some news from his family's company- a means to temporarily disable the mages and magitech of the Vangar- still in the developmental stages. A way for regular infantry to fight back against the Vangar power armor and royal knights. As he realized this and opened his mouth to say something, as the door behind them opened a crack. There was a familiar metallic clink and a flashbang rolled between their feet.