winter is coming guys [hider=THOU MUST CHILL OUT] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][img][/img][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [hider=The True Visage which Lieth Beneath yon Glacial Helm!] [indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][indent][img][/img][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent] [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Tom Kay [b]Alias:[/b] Sir Arcticus, [color=d4d4d4]The Frozen Shield,[/color] [color=b0b0b0]The Cold Winter's Knight,[/color] [sub][color=878787]Dragonsbane,[/color] [color=5c5c5c]Champion of the Meek,[/color] [color=424242]The Warm-Hearted Snowman,[/color] [color=333333]a very ice guy[/color][/sub] [b]Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Powers/Abilities:[/b] - Shining Boon of the Winter Faeries: Sir Arcticus can conjure and control the forces of ice, snow, and cold. His rather powerful cryogenic abilities enable him to both produce wide-scale effects and freeze specific things. There are probably all sorts of applications, but he generally seems to keep the uses of his ability strictly on-theme with his flamboyant knightly aesthetic. He always goes into battle equipped with armour made of ice, and he can summon various weapons in a flash. Moreover, he is capable of creating ice with extreme hardness and density superior to steel. - Prodigious Might of the Frozen Champion: Sir Arcticus' strength and speed rise massively when it comes to holding or moving cold/frozen objects. Such items are practically weightless to him, regardless of size. Thus, when clad in a suit of icy armour and wielding a frozen weapon, he moves with blinding speed and strikes with overwhelming force. - Knight's Unbroken Constitution: Sir Arcticus possesses an extremely sturdy body, even beneath his armour. Of course, he is obviously impervious to extreme cold, but he also possesses heightened vitality and resilience to injury and other effects that would impact his health. His strength and agility are also improved somewhat beyond the human peak. [b]Weaknesses:[/b] - Dreadful Dragonfire: Do you even need to ask? Extreme heat, such as from a flame, can cause Sir Arcticus' icy constructs to melt. He is capable of extreme cold, so he can prevent his equipment from becoming liquid if he continuously focuses his power into it, but the durability of his ice will be reduced. Naturally, the hotter it is, the more severe the effect on his ice will be. - As Fleeting as a Maiden's Kiss: Life is a temporary thing. It is said that the adventures of this snowy cavalier will one day come to an end without the slightest warning. As quickly as he once appeared, so shall he be carried away on the Northern wind. What does this mean, exactly? No one knows, but Sir Arcticus encourages everyone to make the most of each day they are blessed with. [b]Personality:[/b] Fiery, boisterous sort of hero. A self-described "Man Out of Time", Sir Arcticus speaks in the archaic manner of a fantasy knight. Indeed, he seems not to recognize many pieces of modern technology, such as "horseless carriages" and so forth. Is he joking? Or doing some sort of bizarre roleplay? Or is he simply insane? In any case, he's a very chivalrous sort who always prioritizes protecting women and children. His exact relationship with the law and with fellow heroes is sometimes shaky, but he reliably stands in opposition to gutless knaves (violent criminals) and wicked tyrants (supervillains). He's an extremely flashy guy, although he rarely accepts interviews and guards his identity quite closely. [b]Background:[/b] By chance, a fierce storm fell upon Skyline City last year. Many buildings were damaged, homes suffered massive floods, and nearly the whole city lost power. Worse yet, this chaos initiated a spree of lootings and attacks by superhumans throughout the city. In the midst of all this, a man in frost-covered armour appeared. He worked tirelessly through the day and night, ferrying many families to safety on icy rafts, defending homes from the rampaging villains, and even preventing a mass escape from the city's largest superhuman prison. Tales of the frozen knight quickly spread among rescued citizens. Many heroes took part in the rescue operations, but when the wind had settled down by the next sunrise, Sir Arcticus was the name on everyone's lips. In the following months, Sir Arcticus made frequent appearances in Skyline and beyond, quickly becoming known for his cheery nature, his gentle approach to conflict, and his fierce spirit. Despite all this, he has no association or registration with any group, and his identity remains completely unknown. [hider=A Knight's Most Secret Tale. Not For the Faint of Heart.] Athletic and sociable, Tom had enjoyed a happy childhood. Without the money or the grades for a secondary education, he found work as a painter, and after years of effort he was able to become the owner of his own painting business. Through this, he earned himself a pleasant life, and even ended up getting married and having children with his wife, Jenna. As he continued to work tirelessly and grow his business, Tom held no greater goal in his heart than to make enough money to be able to offer his son and his daughters better opportunities than had been within his reach as a boy. His own heart was the very thing that got in the way. At age 31, Tom was diagnosed with an exceptionally rare and deadly cardiovascular condition. His remaining time, so the doctors told him, was very short. Tom had dreamed of growing old and watching his children grow into beautiful adults. That was now little more than an impossible dream. Taking the situation in stride as best as he could, he left everything he had to Jenna and, rather than seek expensive procedures or accept his death, he volunteered for an experimental program in Skyline City. He would be preserved, frozen in ice and left in a state of living death for years. If the experiment was a success, it would be possible to revive him at a future time when treatment of his condition was a possibility. His last promise to his family was that he would return to see their smiling faces someday. Then he, along with a dozen others, were put to an icy sleep in cryogenic biomonitor pods. That was sixty years ago. When a storm took out power to the hospital in Skyline City, the sudden switch to generator power jolted Tom awake, and his pod suddenly failed. Awakening to a futuristic world in a time of crisis, he took action. For reasons beyond his understanding, he had gained supernatural power over ice after emerging from his stasis. He used this now power as best as he could to save lives. Moreover, he took on the role of a knight to inspire courage in the frightened people he encountered during the storm. In the aftermath of this, Tom had the opportunity to return to his pod. His condition still had no cure, and his superhuman nature did nothing to improve his prognosis. Rather than be frozen again, Tom chose to seek his family, to finally make good on his promise. But although he had hope to at least see his youngest daughter, not a single member of his family was left alive. Neither modern medicine nor the cryogenic pod held any promise of showing Tom a future he cared to see. There was nothing left for him to look forward to except his impending heart failure. And so, he decided to live in the present. To play the hero as long as he was able. At least then, he might see somebody's smiling face. [/hider] [b]Affiliations:[/b] No known associates. [b]Motivations:[/b] Chivalry! (Joy) [b]Relationships:[/b] No known associates. [b]Base of Operations:[/b] A small hideout in Skyline City. [b]Signature Gear:[/b] Of course, the knight always sports his armour. That aside, he summons all sorts of icy weapons. With ice, anything is possible! Except first-aid. Sir Arcticus has an actual first-aid kit packed away beneath his armour and it is definitely not made of ice. He has also been recorded calling 9-1-1 before, so he definitely has a cell phone of some sort, but he insists he doesn't understand how those arcane devices work. [b]Public Perception:[/b] A mysterious and brave hero! Popular with schoolchildren. Some die-hard superhero fans find his name and manner of speaking a bit too goofy, though. Sir Arcticus is instantly recognizable when he appears on the scene, and often inspires a palpable sense of courage and relief among civilians whenever he galavants his way into a dangerous situation. [b]Combat Style:[/b] Honourable! If someone is in danger, Sir Arcticus will rush in without hesitation to rescue them. Outside of those situations, though, he always appears in a flashy manner, openly declaring himself to the enemy and commanding them to surrender themselves. He'll never harm a villain until he's given them that opportunity. When it comes to actual combat, Sir Arcticus fights boldly and with great finesse. He generally engages at close range, but his access to various ice-based tools make him terribly unpredictable. His commitment to fighting honourably may sometimes hamper his options, but as a result he has come to be incredibly experienced and skilled in direct battle against other superhumans. [/hider]