[hider=Maverick Breaker] [center][h1][color=CD5C5C]Maverick Breaker[/color][/h1] [i]"I've seen too much to trust easily, but I'll fight like hell for the people I care about."[/i] [/center] [table] [row] [hr] [/row][row] [cell] [center] [b][img] https://imgur.com/a/yVj8L3R[/img][/b] [u][url] https://imgur.com/a/yVj8L3R[/url][/u] [/center] [center] ___________________________________[/center] P R O F I L E [indent] [sub]Age[/sub] [indent][sub]24[/sub][/indent] [sub]Sex[/sub] [indent][sub]Male[/sub][/indent] [sub]Height[/sub] [indent][sub]5'11[/sub][/indent] [sub]Weight[/sub] [indent][sub]185[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [indent] [sub]Race[/sub] [indent][sub]Human[/sub][/indent] [sub]Origin[/sub] [indent][sub]Ex - Bandit[/sub][/indent] [sub]Transportation[/sub] [indent][sub][u]None[/u][/sub][/indent] [sub]Starting Location[/sub] [indent][sub]Havenwood[/sub][/indent] [sub]Color Code[/sub] [indent][sub][color=CD5C5C]CD5C5C[/color][/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] I N V E N T O R Y [indent][sub] - Duster’s necklace (1) – Not practical, but sentimental. Maverick tends to fidget with the necklace when he is lost in thought. - Canteen (1) – normally filled with whiskey. - Shotgun shells (20) – Extra ammo for “Duster” [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] E Q U I P M E N T [indent][sub] Weapons: - “Duster” – A crudely maintained shotgun that was owned by his partner - “Maverick’s toothpick” - An old Tanto point knife - Armor Details: No armor – Maverick prefers to travel light, relying on his speed to avoid danger. Gadgets/Tools: - Explosive satchel charges – Improvised explosives that can be used to breach doors. - Grappling hook – Used to scale ruins and escape when necessary. [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] A T T R I B U T E S [indent] [sub]Normal: Strength: 4 Fitness: 3 Dexterity: 2 Perception: 2 Intellect: 0 Endurance: 1 With “Survivors Guilt”: Strength: 6 Fitness: 3 Dexterity: 2 Perception: 2 Intellect: -2 Endurance: 1[/sub] [/indent] [/cell][cell] ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION [indent][sub] Maverick is a tall, muscular man in his mid 20s, who gives a rugged and imposing presence. He has pale skin dotted with needle wounds and stab scars, along with piercings on both of his ears and flame tattoos on both of his upper arms. Maverick has tired, dark brown eyes that have just about seen it all, and thick unkempt blonde hair. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKSTORY [indent][sub] Maverick’s early life was one of relentless struggle, he was born to a family of nomads who barely made ends meet each day. The family lugged their way across Aldemara, hoping to find a safe place to raise their children and make an honest living, traveling was difficult but manageable for the first few years. Maverick’s parents navigated the harsh desolate wasteland, while he and his older brother would learn basic survival skills from their parents. However, there was one lesson that was proved to Maverick; the wasteland will show no mercy. Food grew scarce for his family, and the harsh conditions took a devastating toll on his mother. She had become frail and malnourished, so much so that she couldn’t continue on any further. Maverick still remembers his mothers sweet smile as she laid in her tattered sleeping bag, as death slowly crept close to her. “Help your brother. Listen to your father… Please… Stay strong for them…” She softly spoke to him as she gently wiped the tears from her son’s face. His mother didn’t make it through that night, and Maverick’s father, who was already weak willed from the start, took his own life a few days later. Maverick and his brother were left to fend for themselves in the brutal, unforgiving wasteland. His brother was only 15 when he had to take care of Maverick alone. The two brothers avoided settlements out of fear of being turned away or exploited, but surviving on their own wasn’t easy. His brother turned to any means to keep him and Maverick alive, he would scavenge for trade, hunt for food, and even steal supplies when they needed to. By the time Maverick reached the age of 20, he and his brother would finally get caught by traveling merchants in an attempt to steal some of their goods. Maverick could only helplessly watch as his brother was overpowered by the traders. “Dammit Maverick! Run!” His brother yelled as the traders began to beat him to death. Maverick stumbled away from the scene, he still remembers his heart pounding and the tears that streamed down his face as he disappeared into the vast open wastes. Maverick roamed the wastes of Aldemara alone, still haunted by his brother’s screams. He was ashamed at himself for running away, guilty for not protecting his brother, but mostly angry at himself for being weak. Maverick was so caught up in his emotions, that he didn’t care that he was quickly becoming dehydrated and gradually starving, “There’s no point.” He constantly told himself. One day, Maverick saw the silhouettes of people on the horizon that seemed to approach him, but by the time they could become remotely visible, He collapsed. Maverick found himself waking up in a crudely built tent as a man tended to the wounds he gained from the trader incident. The man chuckled as Maverick came to his senses. “I’m kinda shocked yer even alive” He said playfully. Maverick looked at him with a raised eyebrow, then further down at his stomach where he saw the man dabbing an alcohol soaked cloth over a bullet wound. “I guess ya didn’t even notice you got shot…” The man grinned as he looked up at maverick “Then again, ‘course ya wouldn’t when ya get so thirsty you can’t even stand anymore.” Maverick shrugged then looked away from the man “Thanks…” He spoke softly. “Yeah, don’t mention it.” The man said as he grabbed the bandage on the floor next to them “M’names Duster… You got a name?” Duster said as he began to gently wrap the bandage over Maverick’s wound. “Maverick… My name is Maverick.” “Well, Mav…” Duster said as he put the bandages away. “Looks like you found yerself stuck with a buncha bandits out here… Roaches, as we like to call ourselves.” Maverick looked at Duster with a face twisted in confusion. “’Course you can always leave whenever ya want, I doubt the guys out there could give two shits where ya go... Or, you can stick with us, pull yer own weight around here, maybe even live longer. Yer call.” Maverick was unsure about continuing on with a life of crime, but he was desperate at this point, it was obvious he couldn’t survive alone in the wastes. Maverick would take a look outside of the tent with Duster by his side. he still remembers the first time he saw the men and women of the gang sitting around a campfire and telling stories from their pasts or details of the last raid they took part in. The sound of conversation and laughter gave Maverick a sense of hope in what he saw, it was as if the Roaches were a family, much like his own. Maverick was invited to sit at the campfire with open arms, he was on the fence of declining, but Duster saved him a seat next to him anyway. Maverick took a seat in the sand as Duster scoot closer to him. The Roaches showed an interest in Maverick’s situation, everyone listened as Maverick shared stories about his family, his past of stealing, and the mistake that ended it all. The other members would share similar stories of their past, Duster would even mention that he ended up becoming an orphan at the age of 12. Maverick felt a sense of belonging with the Roaches, from this point on, he knew he had to help them, the same way they helped him. Over the next few years, Maverick found himself as part of the Roaches, they weren’t as brutal as he initially thought them to be, at least amongst themselves. Maverick and Duster’s relationship would grow closer over the years as well, the two would become a couple one night after Maverick drunkenly kissed Duster while the two were looking out at the Sevara horizon. All would seem well for Maverick and the Roaches, but at the end of the day, the wasteland will show no mercy. The Roaches would conduct another routine raid on a caravan that was making its way to Sevara. The roaches did their business as usual, hold up the guards, take their weapons, and steal their goods. Unbeknownst to the Roaches, this caravan was affiliated with the new republic of Sevara, and the survivors of that raid would flee to Ardhelm, where they would report the gang. The Republic would send some of their soldiers to track down the Roaches’ camp site. On the night of the attack, Maverick and Duster awaken to the sound of screams and gunshot, The soldiers managed to easily overwhelm the Roaches. Maverick and Duster fought alongside the other Roaches against the Republic soldiers in an attempt to protect themselves, but one by one, each member fell. Duster and Maverick held their ground the best they could, until Duster was shot in his chest. Maverick caught Duster before he fell and dragged him behind cover, there Duster pleaded for Maverick to escape, but Maverick was not willing to leave him behind. Duster’s breathing would begin to slow as he laid in his arms, Maverick pleaded and cried for Duster to hang on, but Duster just kissed Maverick one last time as he drew his final breath. Maverick let out a blood curdling scream as he held Duster’s lifeless body close to him. In a fit of rage, Maverick grabbed dusters shotgun and began to take on the soldiers himself. He was outnumbered, but he couldn’t care less. Maverick could only see red as he took down each soldier one by one. Maverick would sustain multiple injuries such as grazings from gunfire, stab wounds, and there were even moments where the soldiers would almost take him down but he was adamant to keep firing no matter what. Eventually, Maverick was the last man standing. Maverick stood in the middle of the Roaches’ camp, he was gasping and covered in blood. He was surrounded by the bodies of his friends that he considered to be his new family. Maverick fell to his knees and clawed his hands into the sand as he cried. Maverick would eventually go to Duster, where he held him in his arms one last time. The sun would begin to rise over the horizon, as Maverick began to walk away from the camp. He didn’t know where he was going, and he could care less about where he ended up. The camp began to shrink smaller behind him as he disappeared into the wastes once again. Days later, Maverick found himself in Havenwood. He didn’t bother talking to anyone, he would only sit at the bar and spend whatever money he had left on alcohol as a means to drown out a past that still haunts him. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALITY [indent][sub] Maverick is a cold and wary person who has a cynical outlook on life. After losing his partner in the raid, he spends his days in one of Havenwood’s dimly lit bars, lost in his thoughts. Regret claws at him relentlessly, he couldn’t protect the one person he loved in this world, and that guilt festers within him at all times. Maverick tries to avoid interacting with others around him and hides in the back of the bar, that is until he drinks enough alcohol to loosen his tongue. When he’s drunk, Maverick tells stories about his past as a bandit, the faces he’s met along the way, the many people he has stolen from, the lives he’s taken, and the battle that ended it all, yet there is something that he does keep to himself. Every time he comes close to mentioning Duster, he shuts down and retreats to the back of the bar where he can confide in alcohol once again. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK [indent][sub] Driven by the dying wishes of those he has lost, Maverick feels a desperate need to survive and redeem himself. Maverick wants to honor the memory of everyone he has lost and carry their legacies with him [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MODIFIERS [indent][sub] “Survivors Guilt” Maverick can only see red in a brawl. In combat Maverick gains 2 strength but suffers -2 Intellect [/sub][/indent] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider]