[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/20Q9FLv.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241207/12cf164eb0204fbd7bfe1f9acec90dc5.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Jail[/sub][/cell][/row][/table]Zeph pinched the bridge of his nose for a moment as Gadez evaded answering anything in a straightforward manner. [color=98A869][i]‘What a lunatic…’[/i][/color] he thought, though a half-smile remained on his lips. Zephyros himself had dabbled in dancing around the truth, but Gadez had made an art out of it. Still, something about the man’s words gnawed at the edges of his skepticism. Zeph genuinely didn't care whether Gadez was an Astaros bastard or not—Kings did as they pleased, and such preposterous claims were hardly rare. What difference did it make? The details Gadez shared about the incident with the Princess, however, gave him pause. The mention of the Princess luring the attacker toward the outskirts of town stuck with him. Aliseth had said the Princess had escorted the blight-born on her own accord as well, which was unusual. Was it a coincidence, or could Gadez actually be telling the truth? If there was even a sliver of truth to what Gadez said, then maybe it was worth reporting. When Gadez claimed he had something Zeph needed, an amused scoff slipped past his lips. As if anyone in this town had anything he needed. The notion nearly made him laugh out loud as Gadez tried to entice him with fantasies of prestige and status. Titles were utterly meaningless to a soul like Zeph’s, a restless one that only ever found fleeting moments of peace. If he had ever craved validation, his path would have never led him to Dawnhaven. Sure, he hoped the blight-born would be found. Abel deserved justice and Zeph held no ill will toward the Princess—he barely knew anything about her. But being the one to find the killer meant little to Zeph. The praise of others always rang hollow in the end. [color=98A869]“Alright.”[/color] Zeph said at last, rising to his feet. [color=98A869]"Tell you what—I’ll get you the coal. You’ll draw the wolf. And I’ll even consider arresting the Champion for you.”[/color] His gaze locked onto Gadez, who remained fixated on the far window that allowed a faint sliver of moonlight into the cell. [color=98A869]“I’m sure if your [i]little brother[/i] will be on his way to release you before the [i]sun rises[/i], don’t worry.”[/color] He flashed a grin, then shoved the stool back into the corner with his boot, the scrape of wood against stone echoing through the hall. [color=98A869]“Don’t miss me too much.”[/color] he called over his shoulder, waving with his fingers as he turned to leave. Outside the jail, Zeph clapped the guard at the door firmly on the shoulder. [color=98A869]“Your lucky day,”[/color] he said cheerfully. [color=98A869]“You’re on prisoner duty now. I’ve got important news to pass along to Volkov.”[/color] The older guard looked at him silently for a few moments, incredulous. [color=FA8072]"Fine."[/color] he muttered finally, sliding his torch back into its mount on the wall. [color=FA8072]“But find someone to cover my post.”[/color] the other man grumbled, opening the door to enter. [color=FA8072]“Freezin’ me ass off anyway.”[/color] Zeph turned to scan the street, his eyes tracking the passing soldiers. Most were either rushing off toward the crime scene or stationed elsewhere, neck-deep in their own tasks. Then his gaze landed on a young soldier who looked adrift in the chaos. [color=98A869]“OI!”[/color] Zeph called, staring at him from across the street. The man froze, confusion written on his face. When their eyes finally met, Zeph pointed at him. [color=98A869]“You.”[/color] he ordered, jabbing a thumb over his shoulder to indicate the vacant post. The man hesitated, glancing around before shuffling toward the door. He looked nervous, but thankfully for Zeph, he complied and quietly took up the position by the door. [color=98A869]“Good man.”[/color] Zeph said, moving past him and offering two solid pats on the chest as he went. [hr] [sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Gadez [@Dezuel][/sub]