[center][h1][color=ff5000][b]Renar Hagen[/b][/color][/h1][/center] Renar took Gertie's words with all the praise they weren't intended with, mockingly preening for a moment just to be an ass to the annoying witch. Then cut it off as he returned right back to business. It was true. Most of them were utterly lost in this situation, himself included. Horrifyingly enough, [i]Fionn[/i] might be a better authority on the fae than the kingdom's Court Mage. Still, if the only avenue was to lean on their specialist advisory, then there was little more to it than to do so. [color=ff5000][b]"Right, now that the fun's over, thoughts on this, Fionn? You, Fiadh, and the Lord Arken are arguably our only sources of information going forward."[/b][/color] Out of the corner of his eye, he both saw and heard the ongoing byplay between Gertrude and the captain. Oh for the love of... Renar caught Fanilly's eye behind Gertrude's back, silently shaking his head and pantomiming "no" a few times to make sure the message sunk in before turning back to Fionn expectantly, as if he hadn't just done that.