The fighting had begun, Sindri could hear that clearly enough through the scattered trees. She glanced to her right and sidestepped a tree, ensuring her way was clear and she could move unnoticed as she moved toward the next fighter. Most of them appeared to have given up their bows and instead unsheathed melee weapons to attack more directly. Still, Sindri crept. Then she noticed the mer following her, and Sindri paused long enough to give her a questioning look. A secret turn-cloak, come to assassinate the witchling in the first of their combat? Sindri would not at all be surprised, and instantly allowed her magic to flow through to her fingertips in preparation for a fight. But the female merely signalled to Sindri to be quiet and sneak, and the Reachwoman felt disappointed. [i]No shit[/i] was the first tangible thought to cross her mind, and Sindri dispelled her magic as she turned away and continued on. She wouldn’t hold it against the female; perhaps she was not used to creeping through the woods, mountains, and rivers that made up the wildlands. She wore Redguard clothing, which implied to Sindri she spent much time in the fertile deserts west of here. She was perhaps out of her comfort zone. Or, perhaps the Altmer in her needed to be in control, give orders. Regardless of the reason, Sindri continued on, creeping through the trees on silent feet. Another sound met her ears; the summoning of something large, and Sindri’s head snapped toward where the fight was, where her new companions were. Abandoning her course, the Reachwoman veered right and weaved toward the sound of [i]atronachs[/i]! A flicker of excitement shot through the witch like lightning, to see summoning magic that was fully formed and combative! And more, appeared to be taking different shapes! But a motion to her left caught her attention, and Sindri felt herself be pulled back out of the clouds and to the ground. The mage who had summoned the atronachs was fleeing. Sindri pivoted yet again, ready to give chase whilst she debated on summoning more roots to secure the woman in place. A not so great idea, as surely the mage would just burn away her roots and flee, leaving them to deal with the dangerous and spreading fire. Before Sindri could come to a decision on how to stop the mage, a wall of fire erupted before her. [i]Huh.[/i] Sindri thought shortly. Not what she’d have done, but apparently it was quite effective. “[color=99c3cc]I would not move if I were you.[/color]” Sindri said to the mage as she stalked closer, her skirts dragging on a stone as she stepped over it. “[color=99c3cc]You’ve several mages who are now quite annoyed for the trouble you’ve caused. A khajiit who is looking for a fight and is large enough to snap your spine like a twig. And an argonian I am quite sure would do criminal harm to you and not blink an eye.[/color]” Sindri gave her a cold grin. “[color=99c3cc]You’re outnumbered. Next move you make had better be in surrender or more than one of us will strike you with paralytic spells. Think your poor beating heart can handle that much?[/color]”