[center][h1][b][color=cyan]Aubri Silverblade[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [center][h3]Lady Furino’s Estate, Castle Gardens, Present Day[/h3][/center] [center][@HereComesTheSnow][@Estylwen][/center] Aubri had barely begun gathering the two children into a jog before he heard that familiar sound. The quiet ring of the negating bone blade against the fabric of magic. It was faint- some said it was non-existent, a popular sailor's tale and nothing more. But real or imagined, he heard it. The ringing of the quietest note as dream met lucidity. And all at once, where there had been a hundred faces, a hundred voices, a hundred streams of spitting acid- there was ash. Aubri slowed himself, ever mindful of the pointed edge of the sword in his hand and the place of the two children. [color=cyan][i]Wouldn't that be something- Amerigo saves the day and I accidentally chop off someone's finger.[/I][/color] While Amerigo interspersed himself between the arguing children, Aubri struggled to sheath his blade. The damned curved steel was something he never could get used to. But as he tried once, twice, three times to get the thing sorted, it gave him time to think. [color=cyan][i]The queen is not here. And these children know the queen is not here. The children know there is some kind of rebellion afoot- which is more than we knew while aboard the ship.[/i][/color] Opportunity for reconnoitering outside the looting and the depths of the fire had presented itself. Best take the ship that was at port rather than waiting for another in whatever condition it might be in. [color=cyan]"I think taking shelter inside is wise and prudent. But we should be prepared to move at a moment's notice,"[/color] Aubri said, giving Amerigo a knowing look. [color=cyan]"One never knows which way the winds blow and where they may take the flames. Please, show us to this Lady Vernon."[/color]