[center][h3][color=#b3ccff]Esben Mathiassen[/color][/h3][/center] [hr][@HereComesTheSnow][hr] Esben wiped his hair out of his eyes. He hadn't yet stepped out from behind the cover of his own pillar, but that made little difference to the torrents that Leviathan was intent on unleashing upon the party. The rest were similarly drenched, some worse than others; it was nearly impossible [i]not[/i] to notice Éliane a short ways behind him, struggling with a [i]thoroughly[/i] waterlogged rotary cannon. [color=#b3ccff]"Of course she tried to set that up here,"[/color] he muttered to himself. It was a shame she hadn't been a bit faster, given what the eidolon was up to now. He wasn't much of a monster fighter, after all. He jogged over, coming to a stop behind a nearby pile of rubble. [color=#b3ccff]"May I borrow your rifle? I promise I'll try not to break it."[/color] With an unhappy glance his way, she handed it over wordlessly before returning to her impromptu maintenance. Esben nodded appreciatively, peeking back over his new cover. [color=#b3ccff]"Cover your ears, Eos,"[/color] he commanded sternly, before disengaging the safety and firing on Leviathan's barrier. He would have called Selene back, as well, to try and speed up Éliane's work—but the glowing sprite had ideas all her own. Given that Izayoi hadn't been able to capitalize on the boost she gave, and already well aware of just how fast the samurai was, she had left her side and made her way over to Rudolf. She shuddered for a moment coming close to him, like a chill wind had just passed her by, before pressing closer. Once again, her glow suffused Rudolf, and the younger man would suddenly find himself moving noticeably faster. Out of the corner of his eye, Esben could see Miina preparing a similar spell, from what he'd seen of her repertoire thus far. [color=#b3ccff]"Put it on Rudolf, Miina!"[/color] he called, before sending another shot into the barrier. If they were to bring everything they had to bear against the Eidolon, then until Éliane was ready to fire with the cannon, letting loose a whirlwind of blades was nearly their only option—letting Rudolf become a whirlwind all his own seemed an effective enough method, especially if he was bringing his own borrowed powers into the mix.