[colour=#C0C0C0][h2]Nathaniel Stormlight [/h2][/colour] [hr] [colour=#C0C0C0] Location:[/colour] The Lunarian temple. [hr] Nathaniel shook his head, the blood that was in his hair was slowly beginning to dry, making his head itch. He let out a heavy sigh; from what he could gather, he looked like a complete mess. Probably smelled bad too. What he wouldn't give to have a nice soak in the bath to wash this blood, grime and Goddess knows what. His attention went to the front door that was closed. The large wooden doors could be indeed beneficial for a defensive purpose. Assuming that they don't get obliterated. [colour=#C0C0C0] "For we need to get these two to a safe location, further inside. The temple for sanctuary.”[/colour] Nathaniel mentioned to Daphne. His gaze shifted to Katerine, then to The redhead Persephone, then back to Daphne. [colour=#C0C0C0] "Can you help them grab their stuff? Once done, have them hide somewhere safe. Keep them safe.”[/colour] A smile came across his face when he spoke. [colour=#C0C0C0] "I can move some of the benches in front as a makeshift barricade. The best we can do is hold a defence. Until we get help.”[/colour] Nathaniel brought a hand to his temple, thinking of another strategic idea that could be applied that could ensure their survival. With the limited amount of people here, it could be somewhat of a blessing, since there are only four people here. So long as they they stay quiet. But for now, perhaps barring one of the big days, it will be the best idea. Striding towards some of the benches. He tested its weight to see if it was easy to move; it was doable, but no doubt it'd be difficult. Placing his hands on one of the ends of a bench, he pushes it, the legs of the bench grinding on the stone surface of the temple floor. It takes quite a few attempts to push one to the closed door. Eventually, the end of the bench made a solid thump as it hit the door. Once one was in place he went to push another one to the same door, then another. Three benches were in place, Nathaniel wiped the sweat that was building up on his forehead with his coat sleeve. He wasn't done. Spotting a brazier near the entrance of the door that wasn't barricaded, he decided that it would help indicate that people entered by seeing their shadows pass on the walls. With a click of his fingers, a small cinder erupted from the tips of his thumbs and fingers, and then he let the cinders drift on the flint wood that was left in the brazier, seconds past, then the wood became fuel to a flame that quickly came to life. Satisfied with it, a smile came across his face; it felt more like a mask at this point since he had no idea if this was going to work, but as long it gave the others hope, perhaps it'd be enough. Walking back to Daphne [colour=#C0C0C0], "Anything you can add to help, feel free; otherwise, we should find a safe place in the temple, so we aren't out in the open.”[/colour] his attention went to Katerine. [colour=#C0C0C0]"Priestess, is there a safe place for us to go inside? If there is, let's grab what we can, and you lead the way.”[/colour] [hr] Mentions: Daphne [@PrinceAlexus], Kat [@SpicyMeatball] [hr]