[b]Character Description[/b] [list][b]Name:[/b] Captain Aghilas Jêle Doeli [b]Species:[/b] Addonian [b]Sex:[/b] M [b]Age:[/b] 35 [b]Allegiance:[/b] Black Wyvern / Himself [b]Appearance:[/b] Tall, imposing, with sea green eyes framed by dark hair and a large bushy beard. Standing 6'5", 235lbs, he's broad shouldered and usually wears a finely tailored, short cut, black satin-silk robe with silver trim. He wears a deep violet head-wrap, made of the same satin-silk, with a tight matching waist-wrap/shoulder sash, which carries a decoratively hilted nimcha, along with 4 flintlocks. [/list] [hr][b]Strengths and Weaknesses[/b] [list] [b]Skills:[/b] Seamanship, Swashbuckling, Strength, Great Bravery [b]Weaknesses:[/b] Excessive Bravery, Spendthrift, Vainglorious, Excessive Swashbuckling [/list] [hr][b]Background:[/b] [list][b]Backstory:[/b] Aghilas 'the Doel' was born son of a Doel slave-servant and an Addonian father he never met who promised to buy his mother's price, but never returned. As a young boy he was taken to sea as ship boy before his 10th year, growing up at sea aboard corsairs. Despite being a slave, Aghilas grew into a large, powerful young man respected among the crew, and a favourite of the corsair captain. It was during this time Aghilas was groomed as a lieutenant, and, in a turn of affairs neither he nor the crew talk about much, elected Captain after the position was abruptly 'vacated'. Captain Aghilas, or 'the Doel' as he is sometimes called (despite looking quite Addonian), quickly became one of the best known Addonian Corsairs. Rumours abound however that he has recently had a falling out with several local Addonian princes not offering him and his crew their 'due' - with the result that the [i]al-Marid[/i] sailed into Mina-Sakh with several suspiciously Addonian looking prizes, laden with slaves, booty. He and his crew have spent their time in port spending freely as the [i]al-Marid[/i] is being refitted, and developed a sudden keen interest in his Doel heritage and sailing to the Calarian Main. A larger than life figure in the piracy world there are some who've described him, at times, as 'a bit much.' Last anyone had heard he'd left the Circle Sea to terrorize the Calarian Main. His sudden appearance in Inburian waters under the banner of the Black Wyvern is an unwelcome sight for many merchants and naval men of the Circle Sea. [/list] [hr] [b]Name of Ship:[/b] [i]Hamsat al-Marid[/i] [b]Type of Ship:[/b] Xebec [b]Rigging:[/b] Three masted xebec rigged, unusually for the time, with large bermuda rigged sails and copious jibs and other sails mounted for maximum sail area as well as trimming against the wind. [b]Crew Compliment:[/b] ~100 [b]Cannon:[/b] 17 - 14 12pdrs on a small gundeck - 3 4pndr swivel mounts, 2 fore, 1 aft. [b]Description:[/b] [i]Hamsat al-Marid[/i], often simply called [i]Hamsat[/i] or [i]al-Marid[/i] is around 35m in length, a beam just over 8m, and a draft that ranges between 3.5. Displacing just under 200 tons, she has a sleek, streamlined hull. Less obvious to the eye is an expensively retrofitted and as yet uncommon copper sheathed hull, along with a wider, longer keel than typical for xebecs for better stability with her large sails and in heavy seas. In light to moderate seas under full sail she's fast enough to give even fast frigates a run for their money with the wind and when in doubt, she excels in crosswinds and sailing close to the wind for an escape. Struggles a little in heavy seas when stability demands cut into her speed.