[center][h2][color=#008b8b]Fionn MacKerracher[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Fionn's grin only grew wider as Gertrude's scowl deepened. He, of course, didn't believe her for a second—if she were truly so unconcerned, after all, she wouldn't have bothered trying to help him [i]or[/i] yelling at him, after all. But if she needed it to feel a little better about everything, he was willing to let her tire herself out. Not that she stayed focused on him for long, between Renar and Fanilly jumping in. Renar even started trying to warn Fanilly away from playing the witch-apprentice's game before him. He pulled his gauntlets off, shaking them to make sure there was no dirt or bark stuck in them. [color=#008b8b]"I don't rightly think there's too much else we can do right now, unless we want to go wandering off into the forest,"[/color] he mused. He started to walk towards the overlarge tree that they'd just been fighting, though not without casually reaching out and ruffling Gertrude's hair as he walked past. Just a small reminder that he [i]was[/i] still there, and wasn't going to fall for her games or protestations. [color=#008b8b]"Gerard and the others left to try and find this realm we're looking for ahead of us, or at least as much of a general-Fae-territory as they could, and I don't have any way to call them in. They shouldn't have too much trouble seeing what [i]we've[/i] found, and Arken and Fiadh are pretty well convinced this is the right spot. Maybe we'll get lucky and [i]they'll[/i] have found some help to get in, but no matter what we're probably better off setting a watch and taking the moment to relax while we can like Tyaethe is doing."[/color] He suddenly faced the taller knight with another grin. [color=#008b8b]"Unless you fancy running off through the woods in search of them with Fleuri?"[/color]