[center][img]https://txt.1001fonts.net/img/txt/b3RmLjk2LmZmZmZmZi5TMkZwYzI5dUlFeHZZMnRsLjA/autumn-brush.regular.webp[/img][/center] [indent][sub][COLOR=red][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Ocean Pier[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=red][b]Prompts:[/b][/COLOR] [@Bartimaeus][/right][/sup][/indent][hr] On the day the S.S. Avalon was to set sail, Kaison had slept right through his alarm, rushed to get ready, flew off at a blistering pace on the back of Elysium, his Togekiss, only to arrive over half an hour early. Checking over the invitation again, then double-checking the time on his phone and the clocks on the S.S. Avalon, he realized he had compensated for daylight savings time when he shouldn't have, having gotten used to doing so since Unova observed it but Alola did not. It all worked out in the end, he supposes, since he wanted to arrive early anyway to take pictures of the ship, doing a fly-around on Elysium. He had to decide which six pokémon to bring on-board, at least initially, and Téhōm's water-bound nature made it an unfortunate exclusion by necessity, at least until he decides to take a dip in the ship's pool, and unfortunately only then. Avici, ever the mature one, offered to step down next, and while Nihil said they should follow suit, the rest of his team agreed with him that having a nice vacation would do the Smeargle some good. Elysium was mandatory, since Kaison needed transportation to the ship itself, and it felt rude to just box her as soon as she got there. Given the potential he would have to participate in some battles on the ship itself, he wanted to bring his lazy monkey, Naraka, since Téhōm's exclusion made his team vulnerable to fire types, and his ace, Samsara. While the Lurantis might have been outwardly mirroring Avici's borderline ascetic lack of concern, Kaison knew better than to actually believe her. It wasn't that Samsara believed she would be okay with sitting things out, it's that she was deliberately playing coy. if he was less charitable, he'd call it outright lying. She'd insist otherwise, of course, but the subtle passive-aggression to follow was just easier to not deal with. Tartarus, drama queen that he is, would take it as a personal slight to be left out, even if he didn't actually care to participate, and Nemesis seemed ready to throw a tantrum to get her way on the matter. Ultimately, it was all too easy for the team to accept Avalon's offer to step down, which didn't feel fair given how the number one reason he was going on this trip in the first place was because the cruise ship shared a name with the Escavalier. He was too self-sacrificing for his own good, and while he was technically in a similar boat to Nihil, he wasn't chronically depressed and didn't have the same kicked-puppy look Nihil did. Ultimately Kaison just promised he'd take pictures for Avalon to peruse, which meant it would be harder to bench Elysium later after all the extra work she put in helping him get said pictures. Hopefully Tartarus will get bored, Avalon takes his place, Nemesis doesn't set the ship on fire by accident, and that will be the end of that. It might get awkward talking to and about Avalon when everyone associates the name with the ship, but that's a bridge they can cross when they get there. As he finishes taking pictures, he flies back down to the pier, waiting for the ship's staff to let people on board. Of course, nothing happens for quite a while, even as the designated boarding time comes and goes. After tiring of the games on his phone, he figures he should go socialize. Most of these people are famous right? Maybe he'll recognize someone. Well... Not a single face in the small crowd rings a bell. If they weren't notable in the Sinnoh, Unovan or Alolan leagues, they probably didn't show up on his personal radar, and he's never been keen on social media. Even if one of these people had been on every channel, he prefers playing, modding or making games over television. Sure, he's met famous trainers from foreign regions before; anyone with the "special trainer" designation in the Battle Tree was worth taking note of, and sometimes he looks up relevant trainers when he wants to learn something specific about his pokémon, but yeah, he has no idea who these people are. He overhears a rather flamboyant man wreathed in pink address one 'Syl Archer' as champion, and he can't help but wonder if he's an acting champion or someone who just earned the champion title, like himself. He wanders over, in any case, wondering just how many champions were invited, when he spots an Alolan Rattata and just can't keep his mouth shut. [color=red]"Cool Rattata. Not a lot of people like them. Are they a battler? F.E.A.R. Strat perhaps? It's an all-time classic."[/color]