[color=f7976a][b][h3] Claret Crown [/h3][/b][/color] The two guards located upon the wooden walkway, just above the gate leading into Dawnhaven, just stared at each other. [b]"What did he just say? That fellows got four arms, I didn't know they could have that. Did ya? And captain crown? That's a wanted man, I saw the posters, but this fellow doesn't have a hat or a ship. I think he's trying to take us for fools. Besides his nose looks nothing like the poster." [/b]The younger guardsman explained to his senior guardsman friend. [b]"Shut your yapper. None make a fool out of me on my watch. Watch this." [/b] The grey-bearded guard straightened his stance, puffed up his chest and leaned over the railing. [b]"Hey you! Traveller! What brings you to Dawnhaven? Also we are not buying your story, if you would be some infamous wanted pirate, where's your hat and your ship?" [/b]The older guard asked, scanning the obvious pretender-pirate. [color=f7976a][b] "Ohoi! Me swear on me dead offspring that aren't even born yet, that me have only spoken o' the truth (this time). Me hat me gifted away, me ship sank to the bottom o' the sea."[/b] [/color] Claret made a court motion, bowing his head while holding all four of his arms to his sides. [b]"Oi! Now he's doin' it again, he is no pirate, this fellow is a sham, some con-man pretending to be famous when he is probably just piss poor an drunk."[/b] The younger and more critical guard relayed to his companion while keeping his hand on his bow. He always wanted an opportunity to show off his growing skill in archery. [b]"Shut up! I am not an idiot, I can see when someone is trying to deceive me. Inherited that from my mother." [/b]The grey-bearded man replied swiftly in a reprimanding manner. [color=f7976a][b]"'Ey are ye two done dawdlin' up there an ready to let this shipwrecked but handsome sea dog in?"[/b] [/color]Ex-Captain Crown stood patiently below and before the gates, hoping it would take ages for them to open. But then again. He wasn't an expert when it came to those kind of things. [b]"Look how eager he is! No eyepatch, no pegleg, no parrot... not even a hook! This fellow is trouble, we can't let in someone who lies to honest hardworking guardsmen."[/b] The more youthful of the duo made acute perceptions of the scene before them, and relayed it to his friend, whose eye-sight may not be what it once were. [b]"Shaddap! I dont need you to tell me that. Let's test him." [/b]The older guard grinned deviously. [color=f7976a][b]" Ye know! It really is probably kind of chilly out 'ere ye know! Me would freeze my knockers off if me had any." [/b] [/color]Claret stated in a matter of fact kind of voice, the clear lack of knockers on his mind left him feeling at a deep loss. [b]"What? We are deliberating if we can, with good consience let you in here. We don't believe for a second that you are telling the truth." [/b] The shorter, more young of the capable duo yelled out to the patient pirate. [color=f7976a][b]"Ah fer feckin' salty sam's soiled pantaloons. Listen 'ere gents... Me just wanna get in, 'ave a good drink, some booty an do abit of handiwork... aye?"[/b] [/color]Claret explained in the best calm way that he could, he couldn't afford to get into a fight the first thing he did. Coming to think of it, with his empty coin purse he couldn't really afford anything until he would find someone with a loose coinpurse. [b]"Shit... I had just forgotten how thirsty I am. That arse out there reminded me of how sad my belly is without a drink or two in it." [/b]The barely twenty summers old guard lamented his plight to his more experienced counterpart, who knew just what to say. [b]"Be quiet! I haven't had a strong one for over a week for that damnable blizzard." [/b] The gruff older guard said in a slightly irritated voice. Why was he always the one to suffer? He sure enough could bet someone fancy like Sir Abel had the time of his life at this point. And what did he get? Guard duty. [b]"Oh ya the snowstorm, I got stuck in the inn. Thank Seluna."[/b] The younger guard said in a slightly jovial tone, all things considered, he didn't care where he were, only that there were some food and drinks. [b]"Shhh! Keep your moon goddess praise out from our guard duty, it's cold enough without you asking her for more. Try pray to Aelios for once, maybe the sun will come back so I can get myself a good all over tan again." [/b]The greybearded man momentarily took off his helmet to show his pale bald spot on his receding hair. [b]"All over tan? I didn't know you were the sunbathing kind. Shit... thought ya knew a fellow."[/b] The young man sighed and then both his and his friends attention fell on Claret again. [color=f7976a][b]"Do me need to lay siege to ye dawn town to enter?! This captain is thinkin' o' boardin' the wall. Me thought ye town would welcome unfortunate blighted souls?"[/b] [/color] The priate crossed his two upper arms over his chest and let the lower two rest at his waist, he would let them know that his patience was gradually growing thin. [b]"Look! There he goes again with the attitude and temper! Trouble if I ever saw it. Selfish bastard, it's all about him. He might not be a pirate, captain or famous, but he sure likes to lie and pretend he's a fancy actor. If he only lied half as good as Aldrick plays the- what is that instrument called again?"[/b] The ever critical and energic youngster turned to his father figure of a friend. [b]"Shush! The heck do I know. Isn't the man a singer? It doesn't matter. Allright, mister, whomever you are or pretending to be, we will not accept any unlawful behaviour in Dawnhaven. If we find you with any of your four hands where they shouldn't be. You going straight to jail." [/b]The greyhaired man crossed his arms as he spoke, this was his first shift at the gate where actually someone came by. [b]"What he said." [/b]The younger man chimed in. [color=f7976a][b]"Ye, ye fair 'nuff. Are ye goin' ta let me in then?"[/b] [/color]Claret yelled back to them, bringing his two top hands up to his face, one pinching the bridge of his nose, the other facepalming. [b]"What if this fellow is here to steal our work. He got as many arms as we have together. They could hire him and then only pay one instead of two...if Volkov sees and hire this guy for guarding the gate. That means..." [/b] It was in a fearful tone that the younger of the dynamic duo relayed his realization to his solution solving friend. [b]"Oh shu- wait... you are right. That means we would have to do outhouse duty, cleaning the stables or be stationed in front of that nobleman's building. The obnoxious loud lord."[/b] The greyhaired man almost seemed to curse under his breath, his friend was bringing in some new angles. [b]"Ya! That's what I was thinking! It's in our best interest to keep the bad ones out and the good ones in. But wait a second... what if his side is the inside? If you think about it, Dawnhaven lies outside of both kingdoms." [/b]The youthful man rubbed his neck as he tried his best to try his luck at thinking. [b]"Are you trying to give me a headache? Who cares about that? We should test him just to make sure he is harmless." [/b]The greying old codger hit his tightened fist into the palm of his other hand. [color=f7976a][b]"Me have to inform ye noble guardsmen, whilst ye were busy enrichin' yerselves, me found a lil bit o' cotton in me navel. Wish me had somethin' better ta do like shaggin' or bowin' meself afore them highnesses!" [/b] [/color]Claret poked his ear and held a hand before his mouth to try shield the duo from his yawn. [b]"Oi! We were discussing your potential future in our town! You should try be a little more considerate, it isn't easy being in charge of everyone's safety." [/b]The younger energy-filled guard yelled out to the ungrateful vagrant at their gate. Who did he think he was? [b] "What my friend here just said. Also... shut your damn mouth. I am the good talker. So we have decided to test you. To see if you are safe to let in or not. First off. Do you have any weapons? Do you know magic? Do you consider yourself reliable? How much coin do you carry on your person? What is the velocity of an arrow when fired from a fully strung bow?"[/b] The older man asked. [color=f7976a][b]"Tha' a composite or a shortbow? What the quality o' the arrow? Is it fired aiming upwards, forwards or down from an elevation?"[/b] [/color] Claret quickly asked while giving a shrug. [b]"I- I don't.. to heck with that question! Answer the rest!"[/b] The old guard barked out. [b]"He's doing it again! Trying to act all smart and ejucated."[/b] The younger once again chimed in. [b]"Educated you idiot! And zip it!" [/b]The wiser of the duo hushed and corrected his companion. [color=f7976a][b]"We'll lesse 'ere, me gots four cutlasses, alot sharper than regular lasses. Me be havin' twenty-fer throwin' daggers. Me also know abit o' magic, blow all the wind out o' ya sails. Gah hah hah! Yarr? Me be reliable as the steerin' wheel o' me ol' ship, and me even got the same impressive wood. Coin on me person? Why would me be havin' tha? Ye bury the chests with coin or ye spend it on drinks an' other pleasures!" [/b] [/color]Claret said in a more cheery tone when he recollected about all the impressive things about him and what manner of things he would hopefully be up to. Once. If. He could get past that gate. [b]"Oi... that arse reminded me about needing a drink again. I hate his guts, but he's right. I would have spent my coin at the inn, but my wife would kill me." [/b]The young man said through gritted teeth as his hand dug into the wooden railing. [b]"Sh- what? You are married? When did that happen? Nevemind! Hmm... well after careful consideration."[/b] The older guard began to explain as he stood proudly with crossed arms. [color=f7976a][b]"Aye?!"[/b] [/color]Claret called out, eager to hear the next few words. But a third guardsman was heard. [b]"What is going on here? Let the traveller inside! Open the gate! " [/b]A third man barked out sternly to the two on the railing. [b]"We were just about to do that! We were!" [/b]The younger called out. [b]"Oh shut up already!"[/b] The older added. [color=f7976a][b]"'Ell that wasn't so hard. Well she ne'er said that to me ever. Feck. Me need a drink. Bloody. Me fergot me had me rum. "[/b] [/color]He reached for his bottle of rum, uncorked it and took a swig. [color=f7976a][b]"Alot more rum where tha' came from. Oh pard'n me."[/b] [/color]He bumped into one of the guards,and quickly bowed his head appologetically, brushing off the man's armor and clothes with his four hands. Then discreetly snatching the keychain by his belt, slipping it into his own coat. [color=f7976a][b]"Pleasure's all mined, tha's what the golddigger said. I'm off to find meself some key people o' interest."[/b] [/color] Claret then began to sing aloud on his way to what he assumed was the place for booze and booty. [i][color=f7976a][b]"Salty sam had a thick big log, oh his lass was whinin' like a dog. But he couldn't know, what was next for the show, he expected shag but upon seeing her cannons sag. He knew, swaggin' didn't always lead to shaggin'. Oh poor salty sam, saltiest sailor of the stormy seas, his sail always raised, his massive wooden plank ready to deal with any skank. Oh salty sam, where's yer load of sea men, ready to serve ye at yer beck an' call. Hurry, swashbucklrrin' with flurry, he thrust his trusty rapier into a trap, and sure enough it made his confidence snap!"[/b][/color][/i] He whistled abit before continuing. [i][color=f7976a][b]"Oh salty sam, saltiest sailor of the stormy seas! Nay man as hard and just, his keel into every wet wave he thrusts! Now he's a family man, and any attempt to flee is met with fryin' pan. Oh salty sam, why did ye the princess ram? Oh ye scoundrel and envy of every sea men whose out to be like ye! Oh brave the wave, or live life in marriage and be a slaaaaaaaaaaaave!" [/b][/color][/i] Claret sung out aloud, now in a far more cheery mood. He jumped into the air and clicked his heels together.