Char was quiet for a moment, pondering his question as she took a drink, relishing in the pleasant burn. “Is that a common belief? That we can read our bedmate’s minds?” she finally said with a laugh. “No, we can do nothing of the sort. Although… you do know the drow have no word for love? And so lovers as you might think of them don’t really exist for us.” It had been quite the shock when she discovered the approach of surface-dwellers to interpersonal relationships. She had known they were different from the drow, but the absurd amount of [i]trust[/i] that was just freely given boggled the mind. “Well, seeing as you have already told [i]me[/i] a story… up here, I am told a bookworm is an endearing term for someone who is always reading. In the Underdark, it is… well, being called a bookworm would be a source of pride and of fury. You see, just like up here, noble families in the Underdark often keep libraries and treasure their contents. Well, as much as a [i]drow[/i] can treasure anything.” Her voice was haughty as ever, the disdain for her own kind dripping from the word. “So, sometimes you want to *hurt* someone, but you don’t want to deal with any immediate consequences, yes?” she said, nonchalant and yet… gleeful as she described the destructive creatures. “So you could simply obtain a few bookworms, unleash them in the library while on a visit to a rival house, and destroy an entire collection before anyone notices. Not only do they multiply quite quickly once they have a source of food, some varieties excrete acid after ingesting enough ink and result in damage to other fixtures as they seek out more books.” She took a swig from her bottle and paused for a moment in thought. “You could still be caught, of course, if they were seen before arriving at the target, or if there had been no other visitors in some time, but it was quite easy to get away with. Needless to say, they could be difficult to obtain.”