[center] [hr][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MRjcS1C.png[/img] [sub][color=f5bd02][b]Current Weather:[/b][/color] 30 Degrees, gentle snowfall, cloudy skies | [color=f5bd02][b]Current Time:[/b][/color] 3pm[/sub][/center] [hr][hr] A guard sprinted through the snow-dusted streets of Dawnhaven, breath fogging into the air, his Aurelian armor clinking with each hurried step. The townspeople glanced at him with curiosity as he passed, their expressions shifting to concern when he approached the bell tower at the square’s center. Reaching the base of the structure, he looked up to see the faint glow of a lantern swaying in the hands of the watchman above. [color=FA8072]“Tav!”[/color] the Aurelian called up, his voice cutting through the muffled chatter of nearby townspeople who had gathered for the feast. [color=FA8072]“Send the ladder down!”[/color] Above, the watchman leaned over the railing, squinting down at the man below. After a moment's hesitation, he vanished from sight. Moments later, a wooden ladder slid into place with a thud, its base sinking slightly into the snow below. The Aurelian wasted no time climbing up, his boots thudding against the wooden steps, leaving traces of mud along the way. Reaching the bell platform, he exchanged a brief glance with the watchman, a Lunarian. [color=FA8072]“We’re sounding the alarm. Commander Barrett’s orders.”[/color] he explained quickly. [color=FA8072]“I’ll handle it. You’re needed below to help the others secure the square.”[/color] The watchman nodded and descended as the Aurelian guard turned to the massive bell in the center of the tower. Gripping the thick rope, he pulled it back and released, the first deep, resounding gong echoing through the town. Another followed, and then a third, the sound carrying far and wide, pulling townsfolk from their homes and shops. When a crowd began to gather below, the guard stepped to the edge of the platform, projecting his voice to address them. [color=FA8072]“[b]Attention, citizens of Dawnhaven![/b]”[/color] he called out, his voice steady and clear. [color=FA8072]“There has been an attack near the outskirts of town. The situation is being handled, but the attacker remains at large.”[/color] A ripple of anxious murmurs passed through the crowd, nervous voices rising in the cold. [color=FA8072]“For your safety, we ask that you shelter in place immediately. Secure your doors and windows, and remain indoors unless absolutely necessary.”[/color] He paused, scanning the faces below, then added with a sharper tone. [color=FA8072]“If you see anything suspicious—anything at all—report it to the nearest guard at once. The Commanders will be informed. Do [i]not[/i] investigate on your own.”[/color] His gaze swept over the gathered townsfolk as they looked between one another. [color=FA8072]“Dawnhaven is prepared for these situations.”[/color] he assured them, [color=FA8072]“Stay calm, stay vigilant, follow our direction, and we will keep you safe. We’ll see this through. Please take shelter until we are able to locate the attacker.”[/color] Slowly, the crowd began to disperse, footsteps crunching in the snow as some hurried away while others lingered to ask questions of nearby guards. Gradually, soldiers began to shuffle people back into their homes, shops, or the inn, quietly urging any stragglers to return to safety. As the bell’s echoes and the chatter of the crowd faded into the night, the Aurelian guard remained at the edge of the platform, his eyes scanning the square below, watchful for any signs of trouble.