Jack's voice vibrated through his chest, tickling Annika's cheek where it rested next to his heart. She cried and sniffed while he spoke, covering his shirt in tears and probably snot. Jack was always good like that. He always gave Annika what she needed at that moment. She listened to his words, finding comfort in the simplicity of them. Annika felt the same. These dreams held some truth to who she was, or at the very least who her family was. The problem with this particular nightmare was how [I]real[/I] it felt. While Annika mulled this thought over, the last of her tears finally faded, and a bright light invaded the dark she had grown used to. Annika pulled away from Jack, blinking away the dark spots that formed in her vision. Yellow sun, blue sky, and white clouds filled her now cleared eyesight. The smell of cut grass and fried food assaulted her nose. Annika gasped and jumped up, recognizing the scents of Earth. She looked at Jack and grinned, the darkness of earlier gone, and she ran to her bedroom to change and pack a small bag. Annika returned a short time later, wearing a purple dress with white flowers. The top of the dress was styled like a halter top before it flowed away from her waist. She made sure to stuff a jacket in her bag but she went without for now. Annika wanted to feel the sun on her skin, even if she got a chill from the wind. She bounced over to the portal, her toes just touching the space between her and there. A large grin claimed her face, her excitement plain. Annika knew a lot about the different Earth's from her studies, but she was having a hard time pinpointing where she would want to go. [color=#663399]”Mmm London? No Paris! Or, Orlando? Maybe New Orleans. We could visit Uncle Max or California! Somewhere with a beach and the ocean.”[/color] Annika's words tumbled out, her body vibrating with excitement.