[hider=Adrian Jackson Steele] [center][h1][color=f7941d]Adrian Jackson Steele[/color][/h1] [i]This is a chance to remake myself; be better than I was.[/i] [/center] [table] [row] [hr] [/row][row] [cell] [center] [img]https://cdn.hero.page/pfp/02f792a9-e3ff-4335-855e-b9209c3e85f5-release-of-power-black-anime-boy-pfp-alluring-black-anime-boy-characters-pfp-3.png[/img] [/center] [center] ___________________________________[/center] P R O F I L E [indent] [sub]Age[/sub] [indent][sub]25[/sub][/indent] [sub]Sex[/sub] [indent][sub]Male[/sub][/indent] [sub]Height[/sub] [indent][sub]183 cm[/sub][/indent] [sub]Weight[/sub] [indent][sub]81.6 kg[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [indent] [sub]Race[/sub] [indent][sub]Human[/sub][/indent] [sub]Origin[/sub] [indent][sub]Wanderer/Former Bandit[/sub][/indent] [sub]Transportation[/sub] [indent][sub]N/A[/sub][/indent] [sub]Starting Location[/sub] [indent][sub]Sully's Rest[/sub][/indent] [sub]Color Code[/sub] [indent][sub]f7941d[/sub][/indent] [/indent] [center] ___________________________________[/center] I N V E N T O R Y [indent][sub] -tent -firestarter kit -backpack -sleeping bag -multitool -knife -poncho -2 extra sets of clothes -shaving razor -water filter -canteen -soup pan -concealed gun holster [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] E Q U I P M E N T [indent][sub] - Post war snub pistol (with two dozen rounds) - Combat Knife - Leather Jacket - Lockpick Set - Crowbar [/sub][/indent] [center]____________________________________[/center] A T T R I B U T E S [indent] [sub] Strength: - 0 (-1 First Time Loner) Fitness: - 2 (+1 Experienced Caseman, -1 First Time Loner) Dexterity: - 4 (+1 Experienced Caseman) Perception: - 3 (+1 Experienced Caseman) Intellect: - 2 Endurance: - 0 (-1 First Time Loner) [/sub] [/indent] [/cell][cell] ____________________________________________________________________________ APPEARANCE DESCRIPTION [indent][sub] Adrian Jackson, better known as AJ, is tall and slender, but not awkwardly so. He has dark skin, dark eyes, and dark frizzy hair. He tries to remain as well kempt as he can with limited access to water and soaps. The same can be said of his apparel. He used to be able to change out clothes a fair bit when the spoils were good, but now that he is poor and alone, his appearance inevitably displays his scarcity. Now he just has a worn leather jacket and a few stinky shirts, pants, socks, and boxers that he changes out and cleans when he can. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ BACKSTORY [indent][sub] Adrian Jackson Steele was a fortunate youth who was raised by remarkable parents who worked hard to make ends meet at the edges of the Republic. As he grew up, he helped his dad and uncles explore and recover salvage from the old world, and learned a number of tricks about getting into and avoiding damaging dilapidated buildings and valuable salvage. He also learned how to look good and make sales for the family business of selling this salvage to interested customers. However, Adrian Jackson grew to become a rebellious teenager. While his parents wanted to him to take over the family business, Adrian, now going by AJ, wanted to break out on his own. He fell in with another group of scavengers that he had met on his travels with his father, and he ultimately ended up working for them. However, these scavengers got into a lot of other shadier business than just scavenging. AJ found that with his looks, skills, and attention to detail that he could be a good at casing the goods of more honest folk when salvage got scarce, and it was this that these scavengers, calling themselves the Hanover Ridge Crew, would begin to have him do the most. Typically AJ would get eyes on the goods in a store or those owned by a caravan, often with the help of one of his crewmates being a distraction, and he would then report the value of the goods and the defenses of the potential victims, at which point the boss would decide whether initiate a raid or burglary. If the boss did decide to go for it, AJ would participate in the raid in a supporting role, usually helping scout out the area or being extra muscle where needed when his breaking and entering skills weren't needed. AJ found that he hated this lifestyle, as it went against the honest working values he had grown up with. However, he felt trapped with the crew he was in, and he felt like he couldn't face his dad after all that he had done. He also did have genuine friends in the crew, in particular, a tracker who called himself Colton. Adrian did this unsavory work for the Hanover Ridge Crew for nearly a decade as the roved around the edges of the New Republic of Sevara, never staying in one place long enough to become too well known by the locals. There were a few setbacks throughout the years, but overall, the Crew were extraordinarily lucky, so naturally they got complacent. Eventually the Boss decided to target a particularly juicy caravan the Crew had not adequately scouted, and although the raid was a success, they hadn't identified that he caravan was under the protection of they Ya'ii people. The Hanover Ridge Crew found this out the hard way the following night when their encampment was assaulted by a Ya'ii warband the following night. The attack was bloodily repulsed, but the assault had claimed the lives of the Boss and several of his key lieutenants. The Crew quickly left the area and managed to avoid further retribution for their crime, however, with the Boss dead, many of the survivors quickly began to squabble to be his replacement. AJ had decided that he had had enough. With his friend Colten covering for him, AJ disappeared from the Crew's camp with half his cut in the dead of night, and never came back. Subsequently, AJ worked odd jobs as he put as much distance between himself and his past life as he could, all the while watching his fortune decline throughout the year. Now hanging out with a caravan, nearly penniless and doing random errands to get the chips he needs to by food, AJ finds himself approaching Sully's Rest. Hopefully here he can turn things around and find decent enough honest work that he could someday return home with his head held high. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ PERSONALITY [indent][sub] AJ is typically laid back and fairly relaxed. Despite his struggles, he believes in his destiny and good fortune to pull him through his hardships. While he does have plans and dreams, he is not overly ambitious, and he is patient enough to shrug of temporary obstacles and hostile comments. AJ is fairly skilled at being non-threatening and hiding his intentions and anxieties. That said, even AJ has limits, and when he is pushed over those limits, he is not good at controlling his rage or fear. AJ can be introverted, but he is a sociable introvert. He often employs a trick his mother taught making customers, which is to talk to others mostly by discussing their interests. He is good at making acquaintances comfortable around him by being a good listener. However, he is afraid to be vulnerable and face his own demons, so he typically steers conversations away from himself if they start to head in that direction. Ever since attack the killed the Hanover Ridge Crews Boss, everything about the Ya'ii people scares the crap out of AJ. Also, AJ doesn't have much experience with mutants, but he is inclined not to trust them. Otherwise, he is probably a little too trusting with other people, despite his own history of abusing such trust. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MOTIVATION AND OUTLOOK [indent][sub] AJ is optimistic that things will get better for him now that he is trying to live honestly, but he is getting sick of being poor. He is hoping to eventually settle somewhere nice once he feels he is safely far away enough from his old life and the remnants of the Hanover Ridge Crew. Eventually, once he has made it big on his own doing honest work, he wants to return home and make things up to his parents. [/sub][/indent] ____________________________________________________________________________ MODIFIERS [indent][sub] Experienced Caseman: AJ has a lot of experience getting eyes on things other people don't want him to see, which he learned by being skilled with his fingers and sharp with his eyes. He also was good at getting out of trouble fast when he was discovered (+1 Dexterity, +1 Perception, +1 Fitness) First Time Loner: AJ has usually been able to lean on a member of his family or his crew to help him figure out how to endure something challenging. This is his first time going it out alone this long, and he has been struggling to get sufficient food (-1 Strength, -1 Fitness, -1 Endurance) [/sub][/indent] [/cell] [/row] [/table] [/hider]