[center][h1]Justice[/h1][/center] Of course--Morden's hunch had to be correct. Things just had to immediately be fucked up. Just the luck of the Barghests. Justice was the first to notice. The sudden vanishing of mist was too different to not notice. The wind on her skin as if it were blown by a storm. She knew what this was about. Justice didn't become 2nd class because she was good at being a shield and radar dish. The door creaked open. Justice had already began to run down one of the guards in the corner. She closed the distance in a flicker, the spook barely being able to lift his handgun up. The bullet fired. The bullet grazed her hair as she drove even closer with hand parrying the pistol upwards. In one fluid motion, she knocked her fist directly into the guard's throat, sending him reeling. Clink. The flashbang hit the ground. She didn't stop running. No, she [i]ran the guard down[/i]. With agility, she used his knee as a step as she ascended the spook. Once reaching the summit, she kicked behind her using the wall as leverage. The guard was sent stumbling towards the center of the room. Then he tripped. He landed on top of the flashbang. [b]"Anything!"[/b] She yelled to the Barghests. They would know what she meant.