[center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b6/bb/68/b6bb68fcef41aef9e56b65192be2bc53.gif[/img][/center] The Fafnir was obviously not expecting a heavy MAS such as the Secutor to be able to react as fast as it did- ironic as the Fafnir itself was a fast reacting heavy unit, perhaps it [i]should[/i] have expected the retaliation. The Secutor's Class 3 shield took the brunt of the Fafnir's dive, shattering underneath the weight of the plasma talons, but only registering minor damage to the shoulder armor. The backfist in response sent the Fafnir reeling, the machine half tumbling as its shields cracked underneath the heat and pressure of the strike. A lesser pilot may not have been able to notice and react to the heavy cannon coming into play, but for all his hubris, the pilot of the Fafnir was at least fast on his feet. Thrusters flared as bright as the sun as the heavy Coalition suit dove to get out of the way, the shell destroying its shield and ripping off one of the mech's arms. Sparks leaked from open machinery and atmosphere vented out of an opened corner of the cockpit, one of its rear thrusters flaring irregularly as it tried to correct its course, flying in a wide arc as it sought to gain distance from the Secutor. One could almost sense the pilot's frustration as it attempted to recall its drones- only to watch as they were cut down by a UEE ace. Seeing the writing on the wall, the Fafnir seemed to give up its attack on the UEE Carrier, but was seemingly ready to take at least one of these pain-in-the-ass machines with him. Another burst of HKP rounds splashed against the Secutor's armor in attempt to keep the heavier machine at bay as the Fafnir reactivated its plasma talons- though the talons on the left foot seemed to not be receiving power correctly. Another sudden boost took the Fafnir careening towards the Rook in his Venator- the shiny display piece seemingly a suitably expensive target to take down in his fatalistic dive. [hr] <<[color=pink]Hey Boss, I think Hex is being stupid and trying to pad her kill score[/color]>> The younger pilot tattled, her voice a lilted snicker as they watched the Blackout rocket out of the debris field, the Vulture and Sparrowhawk screeching past as they made a beeline to the Coalition ships. Her statement was punctuated by another proximity warning as another pair of plasma beams cut through the big empty, the Roanoke scoring another hit on one of the Coalition frigates. Secondary explosions began to rip the frigate apart from the inside as the beams struck something critical, leaving just one frigate and the Coalition cruiser left for the two MAS. Sabine whooped and hollered over the comms as she took her Sparrowhawk into a dive, the Sparrowhawk's ailerons leaving trails of ice and dust as she cut through the gap between the ships- their point defense systems now having to limit and control their fire more precisely to avoid friendly fire. Mashing a control stud, the Sparrowhawk shifted back to its humanoid form as Sabine pulled the trigger on her plasma rifle as quickly as she could, the weapon's barrel glowing cherry red as she targeted the point defense systems. To add insult to injury, her own racks of claymores emptied as well, Kodos' missile barrage striking shortly afterwards, the warheads streaking towards the two remaining ships like a swarm of angry bees. Over two dozen flaming flowers bloomed and died against the hulls of the Coalition cruiser and frigate, debris and atmosphere flying outward as the explosions rocked both hulls. Smoke belched from open wounds, and the frigate began to dip as it lost control of its azimuth thrusters. The ship rocked as Sabine landed the Sparrowhawk on top of it, weakened hull plating crunching beneath the impact as she more or less looked directly at the Frigate's bridge. The bright pink Sparrowhawk flashed the occupants of the bridge a peace sign in one hand, as the other lifted the rifle and placed a shot directly through the observation window. <<[color=pink]I think that's it for the frigate, just one big lug left to deal with.[/color]>> Sabine cackled as she pointed up at the remaining cruiser, glancing around her as escape pods began to spring from the frigate she stood on. Sparks flew from overtaxed thrusters as the cruiser attempted to make a sharp turn to begin fleeing, its remaining point defense cannons offering only a pittance of resistance as it fired at the Vulture. <<[color=pink]I'm out of ordnance- ready to RTB.[/color]>> Sabine called out over the comms as she glanced over at Vulture. <<[color=pink]You got the last one, boss?[/color]>>