[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210514/189728ef9f5e26e29946443e0dfe6cb3.png[/img][/center] Conner stared at the uniform laid out on his bed like it was the enemy. The cream blazer, red tie, and sweater vest practically screamed serious and boring. It was like something his parents would have made him wear. With a sigh, he flopped back onto his mattress, staring at the ceiling. [color=deepskyblue]“This is… bullshit!”[/color] he exclaimed, draping the tie over his face. It felt like a leash. [color=deepskyblue]“Who thought this was a good idea? ‘Oh, let’s take away their freedom and their style.’”[/color] After a moment of exaggerated mourning, he sat up, running a hand through his hair. If he had to wear this uniform, he was going to do it his way. Fifteen minutes later, Conner stood in front of the mirror, admiring his handiwork. The blazer was slung over one shoulder—because there was no way he was wearing that unless forced. The white dress shirt was untucked, its sleeves rolled up to just below the elbow, and the top buttons undone intentionally. He couldn’t really do much about the stupid sweater vest… The tie was tied loosely, more decorative than functional. He’d opted for brown loafers, with blue socks with dolphins on them, and of course, his signature blue swim trunks underneath his black dress pants. [color=deepskyblue]“Perfect,”[/color] he declared, grinning at his reflection. [color=deepskyblue]“Formal, but make it fun.”[/color] Even though he had adjusted the uniform a little bit, Conner couldn’t help but feel like he was playing dress-up. The halls of the Merryweather Institute were a far cry from the salty air and sandy beaches of home, and even though he was free from his parents, the weight of everything still felt heavier than he let on. Shoving the nervous thoughts aside, he grabbed a pair of shades from his nightstand and perched them on his head, and made finger guns at his reflection.